Dayton Daily News from Dayton, Ohio (2024)

N.J By The the AL Improvement as the order said In of 10:00 Ohio. of recorded Clay Board on the A.M. in Board Monday, to of County Clerk. Com- 22, ing retary, will Washington go C. soon to said.

sustain- sec- var- tal. Banta Pection. Services cemetery. tomorrow from 3-5 Friends and home, Church 7-9 p. In m.

wife, call at today, 20 THE DAYTON DAILY NEWS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1958 Nothing can equal a trip to the fair -especially if you take four curious city-bred youngsters with you. Tribe in hand, my wife and I started out over the weekend. Since the youngsters' only previous experience with farm animals had been from the windows of our automobile moving at 50 miles per hour, we teft a trip to the 4-H barns would be educational. Once inside the barn, 1 started pointing out the sheep, the cows and the pigs. The children had quizzical expressions on their faces; expressions I mistook, for interest until my five-year-old daughter tugged at my arm.

"Daddy," she said, "let's go. It stinks in here." GIVING THAT UP, we moved down under the grandstand, where the chickens were kept in wire cages. The youngsters were all eyes -and questions. Everything went along fine until EN Mike Hennessy made a poorly-chosen statement. "See," I said to my -old daughter, "that's just like the chicken you ate for dinner a little while ago." She gave me a startled look and tears started to well-up in her eyes.

We managed to get out of there before she started screaming. DECIDING the safest course awe took all four over to the After they had plenty of trips around and around, I way up the midway. Of With MIKE HENNESSY a Take Your Family to Fair -And Be Ready to Suffer would be something familiar, amusem*nt rides. stomach-bouncing, nerve jangling made the mistake of leading the "Battling for a Blue Panda We had almost made it to most happened. One of the baseball-throw front of my two-year-old daughter like one of these?" I'm not sure she, even heard She started yelling, "I wan' one, the entrance when what I feared hawkers pushed a blue panda in and exclaimed: "Wouldn't you him, but the panda was enough I wan' one.

NOT WANTING the crowd to think I was beating any child, -I gave in when my wife said! "Why don't you just try it once?" 1 handed the smiling- diabolically smiting -hawker quarter picked up the lopsided softball. I reared back and fired. Wham! I had hit the back of the booth, missing the bottles completely. I couldn't leave defeated, so I handed over another quarter. time two fell.

Another quarter. Three fell. As I handed over the fourth quarter, the hawker's "you're. getting closer every time, buddy," unnerved me, and I again missed completely. 3 By, this time, felt.

sure a crowd was gathering. Another quarter. Two fell. I heard my boy loudly whisper: "Why don't your fry, Mommy. Daddy's not so hot." That eut Another quarter.

Two fell. the Finally, by some bit of luck- or kindness on the part of the I managed to knock over all four bottles. I took the panda the hawker without even a thanks- all, it had cost me plenty, I was handing it over. to my daughter when a boy about 10 up and knocked down all four bottles his first try. Fairs? Bah! Rocky Fork Plans Strict Boater Policy Special to.

The Dayton Daily. News HILLSBORO, Sept. 2 Provisions of a new get-tough policy in regard to rules and regulations governing the operation of boats on state lakes will be carried out sat Rocky Fork lake, Arnold Elzey, park manager, disclosed today. A directive from the Ohio Division of Parks, sent to all park managers, spells out in detail the stricter enforcement measures. In the future, the practice of issuing verbal or written warnrings to persons who fail to boat or motor licenses will cease.

Instead, arrests will be made. The parks division has also called for the enforcement of the daw requiring proper display of boat and motor or licenses. They must: be, firmly attached to all boats or motors. in such a way that they are clearly visible, THEE PRACTICE of written or verbal. warnings on running Runaway Boy Held for Parents COVINGTON, Sept.

2-up -A boy believed to be Anthony Jett, 7, Richmond, who has been missing since last Saturday, is being held here for his parents, the authorities announced today. The little boy was found in nearby Walton. After being brought here, his parents, Mr. land Mrs. James Jett were notified.

They said they would drive to Covington to pick him up. THE DAYTON DAILY NEWS Founded 1808. Entered second. class matter Sept, 6, 1898, at office, Dayton, Ohio. Published every day by Dayton Newspapers, Fourth and Ludlow, Dayton, Ohio.

BAldwin 3-2112. Subscription rates by. newspaperboy Per week: Daily and Sunday, 62e; Daily only, 42c: Sunday only, 200. Subscription rates by motor carrier -Pers. week: Daily and Sunday, 656; Dilly only, 450; Sunday only, 206- R.

F.D. mail subscription rates Payable In advance Mail subscription not accepted in territory covered by direct newspaperboy service. The News, daily only, $12.00 per year. Subscription rates to R.F.D. addresses receiving Sunday motor delivery Daily (by mail) and Sunday (by motor service), 45c per week.

Daily only, per week, Sunday only, per week. Mail prices outside of Allen, Moglafre, Butler, Clark, Champaign, Clinton, Darke, Fayette, Greene, Logan, Miami, Montgomery, Mercer, Preble, Shelby, and Warren Counties In Ohio and Randolph County, Indiana, given on request. LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that on Thursday, Sept. 26, 1968, at 9:30, A.M. the office of the Board of County located in Room No.

New Disyton 2, Oino, the said Board will hold a pubile hearing on the matter proposed vacation of the alley east of Neville Street, from Lomand Street south Hemlock Street Fairview Addition 10 Verona, Onto Plat Book La Page of records of Montgomery County. St. Township, incated Montgomery County, will view the proposed JOSHPH GREENWOOD, Personals NATE'S NEW LOCATION 35 E. FIFTH ST. Formerly Fourth and Jefferson MEN'S SPORTSWEAR SHOES WORK CLOTHES- UNIFORMS Just: Released For Sale Without A Prescription A True Appetite Depressant DEXETTES There is Only One -RealWay To Lose Weight CURB YOUR APPETITE Get Some Today At Your Drug Store Dexettes.

553 W. Market Lima. Ohio REDUCE the Healthtur and Selentitie Free introductory treatment. her Reducing Salon, Knott 4th and Main. BA-3-6822.

TODD'S PRIVATE SCHOOL GRADES 1 THRU 5 First grade children admitted who will be 6 before Jan. 1. Transportation available in Dayton View. Riverdale, E. Oakwood and Belmont area, Lest and Found BOSTON terrier, female, white, brown, black.

Lost Upper Dayton View. Reward. CR-7-0509. cow: white face, lost Vicinity Brookville, Reward. TE-1-6352.

ENGLISH bred Blue Tick dog. Butcounty license plate; reward. UN-6-5338. SIAMESE male cat. lost Suman E.

End; reward, CL-2-6097. PAIR BEAGLES lost 1 between Preble County Line Bottie Farm. and "Susie." Liberal reward. TE-7-6134. Contact William B.

Gambrell, R. R. 1, Farmersville, 0. SIAMESE male cat, lost vicinity Lansing Dr. CL-4-5832.

Health Aids STAUFFER table, like new, 6348 eves. Female Help Wanted AN experienced housekeeper for ployed couple. Stay, 2 school children. References required. Mr.

Harris. A woman organist to demonstrate. teach and sell a prestige line of organs and pianos. Apply in person, Maloney Piano Co. 1968 N.

Main. BABY sitter. Tues, thru no housework, $15. CL-6-3751. BABY SITTER; white, stay.

1430 Flesher av. 5 p. m. BABYSITTER: White. light housework, stay, $15 week.

CR-4-9339. BABY sitter, white, age 25-45, go. References, none other need apply. ER-5-1732. BEAUTICIAN, male or female, perience necessary.

Rexann Hairdressers. CR-4-0994. CARHOPS. Apply in person. Rocket Vandalla.

CLERK must be 21, neat appearing. 9 to 6 days. Hoover av. CAR attendants wanted age 18-25. many fringe benefits.

Jobs open for day and night. Apply in petson Frisch' Restaurant Inc. 1614 Keowee St. DOMESTIC stay plus salary, 85 yrs. old.

Must have references. CL-6-8722. ELEVATOR and stock girl. Report at noon only Tues. Set.

2. No phone calls. Mr. Harris, SHELLY'S. 12 W.

Third st. EXPERIENCED super market. meat wrappers and cashiers. Appiy 2288 N. Gettysburg AV.

EXPERIENCED colored beautician with some following. AM-3-3192. EXPERIENCED waitress, neat in appearance. Apply in person, Beaver Drive In, Cor, Wilmington pike, Dorothy lane. AX-9-1448.

HOUSEKEEPER, 5 day week, good pay, exerienced only need apply, good with children, efficient, own transportation. new Home, small family. HOUSEKEEPER: White, for ing family more for home; $10 wk. Deaths A BRANDON. Clifford age 73, of 759 Geneva av.

Died Friday at 6:45 a.m. a St. Elizabeth hospital. He was a life resident of Dayton and former employe of the Chrysler Airtemp Corp. He is sur.

vived by his wife. Martha, one son, Charles, one sister. Mrs. James Stevens, one grandchild, all of Dayton. Funeral services Wednesday at 2 p.m, at the Roberts funeral home, 921 Brown street.

Burin Woodland cemetery. Friends may call at the fuperal home from 3-5, 8-7 p.m. Tuesday, PHILLIPS, MRS. W. Cynthja Ann.

Fu- age R. 2. neral services 10 a. m. Wed.

from the Tobias funeral home, 648 Watervliet av. Interment Sugar Grove cemetery, Friends may call at the funeral home 3.10 5 and 7. to 9 p. m. Tuesday.

SHY. Fred, Age 68. of 24 Utah court, died Saturday at 7 m. at St. Elizabeth hospital.

He was born in Lawrenceburg, and had- been a resident of Dayton for the last 35 years. He was formerly employed at Delco Produets. He Is survived by his wife Anna. one daughter. Ann, both of Dayton; sister.

Mrs. E. L. Schneider of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla, Funeral serve ices Thursday at 2:30 p.m.

from the Roberts funeral home, 921. Brown street. Burial in Woodland cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home from 3-5, 7-9. p.m.

Wednesday. Cemetery, Lots, Monuments GLEN HAVEN, Memorial Park: lots: owner moved to Fla. $75 each. CR-4-1359. CHOICE lots; Memorial reasonable.

TU-5-2888. Societies and Lodges. Masonia Notices MASONIC TEMPLE SYMBOLIC LODGES AASR-York Rite 525 W. Riverview 2516 S. Smithvitle Rd.

3705 Far Hills Av. SEPT. 2 Miami Valley. Std. SEPT.

3-H. A. Irvin Std. 7 Ladies Night-Entertainment Transportation WANT ride to and from Lancaster, sept. 7.

BA-2-0367. Special Notices HELP YOUR Relatives and Friends IN EUROPE An Inexpensive gift of food, materials, medicines, dutyfree with guaranteed fast delivery by. The FAIRBORN Gift Parcel Co. 216 W. MAIN ST: TR-8-5561 FAIRBORN, O.

CALL TO LEE MILES, Realtor, gets detaila of REAL ESTATE COURSE! Prepare salesmen, brokers for State exams. Begin sept. 5. We place you. AX-3-1445.

ATTENTION! SLEEPY HEAD? Wake Up Calis by George, BA-4-5382 APPROVED DRIVER TRAINING JENKINS BA-4-0767 CHARRED KEGS MALT SYRUP Crocks, 1705 W. 3rd St. AM-3-9061 CLASSES for pupils needing in grades 2 to 6, Sept. 4. CI-2-3277.

CONFIDENTIAL INVESTIGATORS Chas. Denning Divorce, child custody, etc. Terms. AX-8-2915. EARN your Christmas have a toy, party, CL-6-9382.

EARN Christmas toys early. Have a party. AX-9-8464 for- details. FALL LINE IS HERE: Suits, tailor made from $54.75.. James Buccalo, formerly of the United Woolen THE TAILOR SHOP now at 127 S.

"Main, Room 205, over. Kresge's. week -delvery. BA-2-9332. PAY CREDIT ALL YOUR BILLS THROUGH COUNSELING SERVICE BLDG.

BA-4-4764 ON and alter Sept. 2, 1958, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone other than myself. John Perry, 1332 N. Main St. ONE rot the finer things of life Blue Lustre carpet and unholstery cleaner.

Elder's Housewares. SEE our ad find et CENTRAL ACADEMY. TELEVISION SCHOOL, radio, electronic. Approved for Veterans. Practical engineering course (established 1910).

Day and eve. classes. Phone BA-3-8721 for cata10g. Classification 40 afters big bargains In new merchandise. I Female Help Wanted 1 HOUSEKEEPER.

white, prefer protestant, Moraine City area, tamily of 3, 1 school age child, bus door. AX-3-1900 after cook. no private room, bath. $32, CR-5-4729. HOUSEKEEPER, middle aged, to make home with widow, dren and 10, stay, TW-8-5039 after 7 p.m.

LADY, care children. casiat work, stay, 815. LIGHT and care valid: white, must be able insulin. more for home wages. References.

MANAGER For popular -price ladies and drena ready-to-wear chain close by. Top Salaries Paid Chain Store Experience Preferred, Write giving tuil particulars to Box 19. Dayton Newspapers, Inc. MIDDLE AGED woman who wants home, to care for 2 small children. AM-3-1983.

NATIONALLY KNOWN BUREAUS need sparetime workers now! Earnings up to $100.00 monthly possible. Complete assignments either typing or longhand. Send stamp for details. Post Service Bureau. Rice Lake, Wisconsin.

REGISTERED or undergraduate nurse, 35-45, to supervise nursing, handle medicines and do some office work. 5 days 6:30 to p.m. Salary open. Write Box 4804. Dayton Newspapers, Inc.

RELIABLE woman baby sitter, school age children, light house work. $15. CL-6-9693. RECEPTIONIST ton's newest, most luxurious motel. Some PBX experience, neat, 21-29, dingle, have transportation and some seiling ability.

AX-3-1831. SALESLADY Shoe store. Good perience starting preferred. salary. Must have A 12-8 p.

m. TYPIST Experienced, accurate with rood speed, ability to spell and use rood grammar. Call Miss Hart for appointment. BA-4-7421. WAITRESS.

experienced. Patterson Restaurant, 9100 S. Patterson. WOMAN, white, care for elderly lady. light cooking and house work, MUST STAY.

CR-7-8354 or CR-5-0175. WAITRESS, must be experienced. References required. Hours no Sun, The Hickory House, 43 W. Fourth St.

WAITRESS; exerienced. Over 21. Apply in person. Vito Gaccetta's Spaghetti House, 748 Brown. WAITRESS Experienced, over 21, Apply 1n person, Tasty Pantry Restaurant, 2900 N.

Dixie Dr. WANTED female help for cary-out. Apply Castane' House. 750 Troy St. YOUNG receptionist-secretary.

Apply 410 W. First St. Room 410. BEAUTICIAN TW-8-6121 DRY CLEANING STORE MANAGER APPLY IN PERSON Progressive Cleaners, Inc. Van Buren Center 2286 S.

SMITHVILLE EXPERIENCED Salesperson in and women's jewelry, Age sportswear. 21-40. foundations, Excellent opportunity. Apply 10 a.m% p.m. J.

C. PENNY CO. TOWN COUNTRY, 100 E. STROOP EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER FOR NURSING OFFICE APPLY PERSONNEL OFFICE MIAMI VALLEY HOSPITAL EXPERIENCED TYPIST 22 to 32, capable of ling appointments and details. Nice appearance and good phone ality important, Write about yourself, giving name, address, phone, age, work experience, to Box 39, Dayton Newspapers Inc.

AM-3-2871 before p. m. Just like finding it! we too, were among the families who just couldn't dispose of old items until our over. crowded closets and basem*nt made us change our line of thinking and what wonderful change it made. We never realized how many people are looking for such items and how appreciative they are in getting them, until we placed Dayton NewsJournal Herald classified ad.

We cleaned out our and basem*nt in no time, and it was surprising the cash got for those items: The cost of those classified ads are' a lot less than thought. This is typical. of the remarks that are made every day to the Classified Want. Ad writers. Girls who delight in helping housewives raise extra cash by selling unused articles and renting rooms.

And It's SO EASY: To Place A Want Ad Just dial BA-3-2112 and ask for Classified. A pleasant, courteous Classified copy writer will assist you in writing an effective ad at the lowest possible cost to you. Dayton Daily NewsJournal Herald THE QUICKEST SALES Anything WANT ADS I 1 he. Famale Help Wanted BEAUTY OPERATORS For new busy shop. Good earnCall eves.

to 11 P. m. AX- ELDER'S HAS AN IMMEDIATE NEED OF STYLISTS BEAUTICIANS FOR BEAUTY SALON Prefer experienced, however will train recent graduates from school of BeAuty Culture. Salary and commission, 40 hr. week.

Discount privlieges. APPLY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 6TH FLOOR FIELD REPRESENTATIVE largest organization in its field has a much better than aver. sales opportunity open, in membership and automobile Insurance Depts. unnecessary but helpful. Complete indoctrination and training.

Call Sr. Miles, Dayton Auto Club. BA-2-2801, for appts. HUBER, HEIGHTS Dignified position. Business writing experience helpful.

Must reside in Huber Heights. work. No selling. Bot Dayton Newspapers, Inc. MIAMI VALLEY HOSPITAL Has Opening For REGISTERED NURSE In Supervisory Position EMERGENCY GENERAL SURGICAL MEDICAL AREA CALL: DIRECTOR OF NURSING BA-3-6192 EXT.



241 BETWEEN P. EXCEPT SAT. SUN. SECRETARY you would like responsible job the advertising dept. of a young fast growing company in downtown air -conditioned offices.

who offers employee purchasing privileges and, you have had 2 yrs. typing and experience Top 126 Value Enterprises LUDLOW MISS KARNS BA-6-1481 SUGAR SWEET Sweeten your empty sugar bowl with earnings made from servicing An Avon territory near you. For interview call BA-8-5621. Saleswomen Wanted LADY with car, phone. Interesting wOrk, income high.

BA-4-5582. QUICK extra cash selling Christmas cards, novelty gift items. Make big in your spare time. and J. 222 E.

Third BA-2-3596. WOMEN for phone survey, work out of own home. CL-4-5151. to Employment Bureau, Female EMPLOYMENT KNOTT BLDG. E.


SEC. to public relations $325 also use 3100 BKPR. type some Sh. 9-5 $260 RECEPT. type dieta BILLING tise TYPIST.

graphatype $216 TYPIST. End. 5 da. LAR. tech.

trainee, $150 NURSE'S AIDE. ref, CHILD CARE, car. 5-da. COMPANION NURSE. WAITRESS.

2 p. hr. RELIEF waitress adults, stay da. stay motherless FOOD checker cashier, 5 p.m.-10 Mighta $45 DIETITION BARMAID. 10 a.m.-7, no Sun.

$35 INVENTORY $173 CHILD CARE car COMPANION NURSE, P. nurse, 40 RELIEF $28.80 AdultA, Adults, stay da. stay $25 motherless home $35 adult. stay $35 3 p.m.-10, 5 da. $31.50 MAID, 6-530, 5 da.

$25 MAID, 5 Stay $30 MAID. 10-7. 5 da. COUNTER All split shift hr. WAITRESS, 3 shifts hr.


knowledge NCR 3100. have car. days Hike figures: $300-1 ASST. thru gen. leaker.

type phones. good appearance, have car. 25-30, 51 days DICTAPHONE and GEN. OFFC. 8 dA.

d'town $260 CLK, TYPIST, like figures, VADdalia Area CLY, TYPIST, d'town, expr. WAITRESS, din. room, over 21. Have. car WAITRESS, All Ahifts WAITRESS, South, part-time weekends, excellent earnings.

HOSTESS, p.m. days, Spilt shift sun. Ht. WEBER EMPLOYMENT 419 Commercial 44 S. Ludlow SECY8 $325 MEDICAL (25-40) $300 full ens.

STENOS. (sey positions) Type (21-401. TYPIST, 4'town. CLK-TYPIST. (25-35) CLK.

TYPIST (Vandalie TYPIST $216 CLERICAL, $216 TYPIST. good with PEX (have $275 CLERK typist (young honor roll student) $216 Emp. Bureaus: Male, Female EMPLOYMENT EXCHANGE 341 DELAWARE AV. CR-1-5468 HELEN RUSSELL 338 RALEM. SUITE 2.

BA-4-2744 DOCTORS, DENTISTS, HOSPITALS ALSO OFFICE POSITIONS PERFECT EMPLOYMENT 127 8. MAin. 509 Lowe Bldg. BA-8-9903 ABUT, BALER' MGR. 10 36500 bonus with college education.

GrowInR potential. wholesale wilt consider training business with wonderful Bright, aggressive young man under RECEPTIONIST 10 $2560 For Dr. a off. will train Attractive And personable recent high School graduate. TYPIST CLERK off.


LUDLOW SUITE B-3 BA-4-8648 Employment Bureaus Male BROUGH DIS REIBOLD BA-3-3108. BLDG. ENGINEERS, all types, relocate, fees pd. TEST PILOT. degree $13,000.

INDUS. ELECTRICIAN hr. PROCESS 80-45 MATERIAL. control espr. SALESMAN, 25-35, galvanized sheet metal and steel car $5000 INSUR.

SALES. no debit BARTENDER, nights COOK. days, wh. or col, DINNER COOK. ref.


127 MAIN CONTROLS DESIGNER. fee pd, ARCHITECT, College grad. to 40. to $10.000 INSTRUMENT ENOR. equiv.

ELEC. INSTRUMENT SERVICEMAN MATERIAL control, under TV. SERVICEMAN $00 04 commission ROUTE salesman. 25-45 $65 PRINTER'S HELPER, trainee, 10th grade CHEF. white WEBER EMPLOYMENT 419 Commercial 44 8.

Employment Service OFFICE OVERLOAD SERVICE Apply now tor. temporary office joba. BA-4-7642 44 1 LUDLOW HOUSEWIVES Temporary Work School will be starting soon. You will bel glad to know thAt MAN. POWER can help you earn extra money now in your spare time.

It you are experienced as STENOGRAPHER DICTAPHONE OPERATOR GRAPHOTYPE OPERATOR KEYPUNCH OPERATOR Apply now at our new location. 241 Wilkinson St. at Monument. MANPOWER. INC.

BA-4-7663 Male Help Wanted APPRENTICE for printing shop, opportunity to learn job and publication printing. Call in person, Buckeye Press Kinsey Xertia, O. ASSISTANT PURCHASING AGENT. 35-50, typing, Bookkeeping helpful. References.

Milton, Box 4939, Dayton Newspapers, Inc. APPLIANCE sman, Miami Hardware, 2818 Salem. BARBER. 11-8, Sat. South Park's finest and most modern drive-in thop.

501 Brown 3-7673. BAKER, in cakes pastries, 8-18 noon. BUTCHER; EXPERIENCED. PLY 1400 LINDEN AV. COMPOSITOR.

must be experienced in all types of job and publication work. Call in person, Buckeye Press Kinsey Xenia, 0. CLEANING and laundry machinery Installation serviceman. Apply person. Mid States Supplies, 15 N.

Perry 8t. EXPERIENCED furniture full time, must be able some eves. and Tic ends. men's, 5418 W. Third 8t EXPERIENCED wool 2050 Patterson Rd.

EXPERIENCED tools, dies and special machinery, steady work, not job mop. Apply in person. Monarch Marking tem 216 8. Torrence between 8-11 m. 1-3 EXPERIENCED tint should have mechanical.

knowledge necessary for shop doing body work and general automotive and truck repair. Give past perience and expected. Write Hoover Service. N. Dixie, Sidner.

O. EXPERIENCED super market meat cutters and stock men. Apply 2288 N. Gettysburg Av. FURNITURE salesman.

Must be perienced And able to close, opportunity and An attractive manent position with Dayton's fastest growing turniture More. The Good Housekeeping shop. Westown Shopping Center. FURNACE installer, fully experienced, have car. and tools.

Brake Heating Co. INSTALLER experienced 16F storm doors and Windows. good pay. steady work. Must have truck andi tools.

BA-2-7437. MODELMAKER some plastic experience preferred. Plastics Inc. 1934 Stanley MAINTENANCE man and wile for apt. bidgs, Must know plumbing.

painting and carpentry: Apply Dayton Car Sales, 350 W. Third. PRESSMAN, must be on Verticle and Call in person, Buckeye Press Kinsey Rd. Xenia, 0. PRINTING salesman with Auto.

Pottle Printing. 24 N. Jetterson. PRINTING Estimator Production Control man for modern combinetion plant of 20 eraployees doing general commercial printing in pleasant town of 30.000 with 1600 schools And living conditions. The Findlay Printing supply C6.

Findlay, Ohio PIANO and organ, salesman. Must have retail selling experience. CAr necessary. Apply person. loney, Piano Co, 1968 N.

MAIN. SHEET ROCK HANGERS CALL AX-9-8521 YOUNG man to solicit new and used car deatera for the purpose of buying salvage and scrap automobiles: Must nave knowledge of auto salvage business. Car Box 4819. Dayton Newspapers, Inc. AUTO METAL MAN We want an all-around Man skilled to the extent of Handling A Body Shop.


MAIN ST. ATTENTION MEN Did you know that large variety chain la now accepting applications tor men go into training for manager: for their stores. Unlimited opportunities for advancement for those wHo can qualify, must have at least regular high school. tian. Men who have completed the armed forces experience of who are In National.

Guard preferred. Must be willing to move, there. fore should not own home or have excessive rooms of furnitute. interested, write us Rivink reasons you think you may qualify and any other pertinent information. BOx 4856.

Dayton Newspaperi, Inc. CARPET MECHANIC Must be experienced. Full time, Rest wages, All benefits, Paid VAcations. For appt. contact Mt.

Camden at BA-3-2271. District Sales Manager Wanted Tool, manufacturer. selling nationally needs manager immediately for territory comprising Ohio, and Kentucky, Experience desired in selling to industrial, automotive, and hardware distributors. Com bination of salary, commission and travel expense will protube, diate five figure. income.

10 you are capable of managing. and travi this, territors, call. Mt. Tuchy Between and 11 a.m., or between and 1 p.m., on Tuesday of Wednesday, Telephone Baldwin 2161, Dayton. FIELD REPRESENTATIVE World's largest or manisation In 118 Geld has much better than averopportunity open, in meme bership and automobile Insurance Depts.

Experience tinnecessary But helpfut. Complete indoctrination and training. Call Dayton Mr. Miles. Auto Club, BA-2-2801, for appts.


King Dies at 75; Bataan Chief BRUNSWICK, Sept. 2- (P)--Maj. Gen. Edward P. King who commanded U.

S. troops Jon Bataan at the surrender to the Japanese in 1942, died Sunday night of a heart ailment. He was 75. King survived years in prison camps and retired after World War II, living nearby on Sea island and St. Simons island.

When Gen. Douglas MacArthur moved to the fortress of Corregidor island upon the invasion of the Philippines, he gave King, artillery chief of staff, command of the forces remaining on Bataan and it fell his lot to surrender BORN IN Atlanta on July 4, 1884. King received a law. degree from the University of Georgia, then served in the Georgia National Guard until commissioned an artillery second lieutenant in the regular army in 1908. His promotion to major general came in 1941, a few weeks after the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor.

Since retiring, King headed several Red Cross drives and was active in. other Brunswick civic affairs. His first wife died in 1954. He is survived by his second wife, whom he married in 1956. Services were held today at Christ Episcopal church on St.

Simons. Burial was at Flat Rock, N. near his summer home at Saluda. Lodge Main Speaker At Legion Meet CHICAGO, Sept. 2 -After a.

weekend of parading and merrymaking, the American into the serious aspects of its 40th annual national convention today. Some 3000 delegates, in three days of business sessions in the Chieago stadium, are to pass on about 600 resolutions ranging from child welfare to Heading today's group of speakers was Henry Cabot Lodge, S. ambassador to the United Nations. Other speakers include Ross L. Malone, president of the 'American Bar, association, Ruth A.

Stout, president the National Education association, and James Lucas, Seripps Howard war correspondent. A SPOKESMAN for the country's U. N. delegation said Lodge would announce to the convention that the United States is to disclose a major new proposal on outer space. Lodge later will submit the proposal before the United Nations.

The U. N. spokesman said at United Nations last night that It would concern "international cooperation in the future exploration of uoter The informant called it a kind of "outer space for peace" program, such (as President Eisenhower's 1953 atoms for peace plan. of Defense Neil H. McElroy was to speak tonight at the annual national commander's dinner.

AN ALL DAY parade along Michigan av. by some 50,000 marchers, including units of all military services and their massed colors, decorative floats, and about 8000 musicians, featured the Labor Day activities. An estimated :500.000 persons dressed in coats or heavy sweaters watched the parade in chilly 60 degree temperature. CLASSIFIED Advertising Deaths BROADSTONE, GEORGE 40, ot 1420 Jordan m. Sunday, Miami Valley hospital.

Survivors, wife, Della mother, MrA. Minnie Broadstone: daughJanet. Debra, Beverly: I son, Steven: 3 sisters. Mrs. Minnie MIA Dorothy Wilson of Dayton, Mrs.

Rose Dickman, Sidney, 4 brothers, Adolph. Law. rence, Mathew, Bernard. Funeral services 8130 m. Wednesday, 1420 Jordan a.

m. st. tHony church. Burial. Calvary.

Friends may call at the residence after 2 m. Tuesday. Arrange. menta Luthmin funeral home. CONWAY.

FRANK 70, of 460 Brooklyn av. died 2:05 4. m. yesterday at Good Samaritan Surviving his Mae. will be held at 9 m.

of the Resura BoriAl will be Calvary may the funeral 3419 W. Third WANTAD them. PHONE lights on boats during the period from dusk to dawn is also being discontinued. Park offictals said the stricter observance of rules was ordered in the interest of public safety. Over the past five years, the increase of boats and motors on state waters has been tremendous, they said.

Along with this increased use of state waters, it is necessary to keep a closer watch for proper operation and conduct to hold down accidents. Camden Numbers Rural Property CAMDEN, Sept. 2-Fire Chief Edward Michael announced that the Camden Somers, Township fire department is now ready to issue numbers to owners of rural property in the area covered by the department. This is another step in, the plan to assure property owners more efficient protection in case of a fire. A number will be issued to each rural property and.

occupants will give this number to the fire department in. case of fire for easier location. This system has been used throughout the state in other rural districts with good results for a number of years, Chief Michael said. Man Bound Over To Shelby Jury SIDNEY, Sept. 2-Edward Petersimes, 40, of R.

R. 1, Piqua, has been bound over to the Shelby county grand jury under $1000 bond on charges of burglary. He entered a plea of innocent at his arraignment and waived preliminary hearing. Petersimes was arrested on the complaint of his brother, Louis, of. Lockington.

The affidavit charges that he forcibly entered His: brother's home with intent to steal during the daylight hours Aug. 22. U. S. 62 Group Opens Membership Drive HILLSBORO, Sept.

2--A membership drive by the S. Highway 62 association has been launched in the seven towns and dities enroled in the, association, Richard Willis, president, Washinglen. C. announced today, These Include Ripley, Russellville, Hillsboro, Leesburg, Washrington C. Mt.

Sterling and Columbus. Letters out the lous seeking groups, memberships, John Allis, BA 3-2112 A Want Ad Taker Will Assist You In Wording Your Al September 1854,.

Dayton Daily News from Dayton, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.