News Notes Of Local Happenings VOLUME XLVI DAILY EDITION CHILLICOTHE, SATURDAY, AUG. 17, 1935 SIX PAGES NO. 189 THOSE WHO ARE ILL Ivan Hasten, who has been ill for the past two days, is some bet- I ter today. Eliza Anderson, who has been quite ill for several days, is no better today. i i ATTENDED MEETING A Rmgwald of the Square Deal Electric Company, went to Kansas City Friday, where he ot- tended an all-day meeting of the Delco Light Companj.
held at the Hotel President BOARD MEETING The Old Age Assistance Pension I Boaid will meet in the county court Measure Before House room Monday morning. The board' NRA Standards tor Gin eminent will be organized and further plans 1 discussed. VISIT ON LAKE Jo Ann Cheney went to Lskelxhc Blur Lagle Bill I High on the (Vawasee in northern Indiana Fn-j day evening, where she will be thpi guest of her aunt and uncle, Mr. i and Mrs. Rex Boyd at then- cottage.
(Copyright. 1035, bj United Piess) She will be gone two weeks. i Efforts apparently emmating fiom EMPLOYED AT PAT'S administration sources were made Miss Ollie Txng began work at i PLANE BEARS ROGERS AND POST HOMEWARD WALSH BILL WOULD REVIVE THE NBA IN AMERICAN BUSINESS I ROOSEVELT'S "MUST" LIST DK. POTTS LEAVES MONDAY To and Nortli Dakota Business and Pleasure For Chillicothe Business Men Shun "Food Reporter Learns LEMON FUNERAL FRIDAY Eev. Stauffcr Conducted Service at First Christian Church Joe Crosson, Noted Alaskan Flyer and Friend Di Louis Poits will a Monday foi Tarkio whcie he will be joined by his son Rev Edwaid Potts, and fiom theie they will to Spuits Lake, la for a sisit with i their daughter and sistei Mis Ham McPhail, Mi McPhail and family who are there on a vacation The Thele 1Sl such a thing as a McPhails live in Kco*kuk wheie hp com )ex Ever heai of one' Fried Chicken.
Cherry Pic, French Fried Potatoes and Ice Lream Find Favor with the Men About Town in Chillicothe, Inquiry Reveals At the funeral services held at thr First Chustian Chuich at 2 of Wiley Post, Pilots Famous Comedian and Flyer Friend on Their Last Flight OF CONDOLENCE POUR IN 'food giaciously "forked over" their chic- I gizzaids and presented them ployees of the Milwaukee railioad Monison, Savage, Roy Robin- son and Fred Teiaiieus. Honary Brown, c.w.i Words of Sympathy From All Parts of the Administration' Calciul.u yt Action. Dakota lor a shoit business trip WASHINGTON Aug 17-- (UP)-- Potts wl11 be accol from here as far as Maryville by William Stilwell, who will visit at his home! thei e. World Reach Bereaved Families As Funeral Preparations Are Under Way Ca Then theie is Dr John Tim- But they talked. Oh, berman's Swiss chard--home grown, (jet to tslk ibout IT you hat Dr Barney is an-! Rev.
C. Stauffer had charge of. the services. Pat's Place this morning. She will i Uon tne Housc tms Ses310n work there during the absence of Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Patterson, who i will leave Sunday morning for a va- I cation trip in the West. ls that I tner of 'hose "marked" Kiwamans. the gets the white meat of thei Andersons Win Swift Soft SEARCH FOR STOLEN CAR Chief of Police Maurice Dorney and local officers have been notified to search for a new Ford V-8 stolen) from the McVey Motor Company in i Trenton Friday niy'it about 9 30 o'clock. The car beais a dealer's license plate No.
77 and thc motor number is 208034. VISITED HERE F. Denny, former teacher at Hicks School, south of Jamesport, was visiting in the offices of County Superintendent J. A. Boucher this morning.
He has resigned his teaching position and is enroute to take a position with a publishing company as a salesman. RETURN FROM FLORIDA bill to revive th Walsh bill which stipulates that r.b government contracts must be awarded to films that obseivc NRA Mills Brothers, Beat Utica in Second Plattsburg, although he doesn't al- standards ol wages and woiknig Game--Trenton Comes Sunday ways admit it. Night. Most of these Chillicothe men we wings, and I don't want them now lestioned were like their famed -My favorite'" Harry Graham mimnist brother. Odd asked, just as if he couldn't believe hn born down i the question "Why, it's custard Pie I could eat it seventeen umes Add finds almost i a a any dish appetizing, which is rather, c.
Shearer is another Teachers to Meet Here Monday i Tcachcis, Boards and Parents Profit From the Program Prepared. CONGRESS MAY QUIT BY NEXT SATURDAY Speaker Byrns Indicates Both House and Senate May Be Through Next Week the Senate Also generally overlooked in ine scuffle of last, minute adjournment the Swift kitten balleis the local for fned chicken" Sometimes set it down Vef ore "shearer i plans, the bill was leported lush soft ball niena Friday night, i sald onlv "chicken." but wheM challenges. on Pi esident Roosevelt's "must" list It was piediclcd Congress not be allowed to go home until the a Show Me stat characteristic favonte and country boUed Andersons took the measuic 3 was a chorus of "If you don't believe it, just a liotlv contested game 8 to we asl "What kind'" the a Seymour Wigely doesn't claim any The plan meeting for Livingston I county uiral school teachers will! Aug 17-- (UP) Good pitching was recorded fori a always the same, "Oh 111 favonte kind of pie, but pie is firs: Shorty Stewart, hurling mine fried P. Clark. Hunt, Us his "best dish." too City Treas oidon and I ui or Joe Warren 'will take apple pie, bill became a law All plans for Andersons, and McRoberts.
mound Harl 'y Taff Jas. early adjournment have i evolved choice foi Switts More consistent i Hl11 are around thc tax bill nov in confer- hNTMS when "hits counted" pio-jeateis. but vided the Andeson victory As i can't decide usual, Swifts were able to get men itcs chicken open at thc Chillicothe high sc lool i Congressional adiournment by next Monday morning at 0 o'clock A Saturday was forecast today large number of teachers and those Spealcel Joseph Byrns. interested in public school education aic expected to be here. An interesting program has been planned with helps for both teach eis.
school bodid members and par- "They are planning on adjourn- i ment about next Thursday in the BULLETIN WASHINGTON, Aug. state department today fo. ally asked tile Canadian for permission for the Pan-American Airways to fly over Canada to bring the bodies of Will Rogers and Wiley Post from Fairbanks to the United States. POINT BARROW, Alaska, Aug. 17 --(UP)--In a powerful big plane, by Joe Crosson.
noted Alaskan "mercy flyer," today was winging his way ioward Fau banks with the bodies ol Will Rogers and Wiley Post. I Senate, but I think it will be about I Crossen. hero of many a darirg (next Saturday', Byrns said. ent-teacher ience and the Guffey "little NRA" coal bill Peisons high in admmistialion quarters were lepoited as being much mere interested in passage of abase, but could do nothing abodt thereafter Missis Brothel won, as Final plans will be made tomorrow White House when Roosevelt will discuss the uation with Senate and far noith rescue flyer, took off the murky, foggy darkness here at 1 a m. (S a.
m. CST). He was mafc- a non-stop flight to Fairbanks, swampy tun- Walsh bill Administration lead- their afterpiece engagement with I Harry told us ers pointed out today that ths bill utll though the Glen township i meal and B' ve me P' "There's no other kind of fish a test chef would mean little or i good. Maybe it's the oil and I nothing to Ray Patterson, who' I don't like that dry, white kind." i would probably look him straight "Fry it in IL At 2 30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon aras and over treacherous mouatain c'osmg the second day's session Byrns indicated the adjournment banks about 7 a. (noon CST)" the plan meeting, the graduation resolution would be introduced the arently haimless on thc sin face Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Slater are reaches down into the record the lumber jacks constantly by their aggiessiveness The Sunday night attiaction! Supreme Couit killed in the Schecli-' which stalls at 9 o'clock, will fea- ter poultrv decision The i a picked team from Tienton spread effect of the bill can be and the Chillicothe All-Stais be shown by taking' a typical go'. eminent pm chase, the automobile TO ATTEND MEETING As passed by the Senate, (he bil! boys made a great try and wofiiid bread and buttel wlth maybe slice.1 "in fact." says Ray. "all the bovs expected to return home Sunday! of American business and 5eeks following a two weeks' vacation in keep alue Ihc principle that, Ihc Miami. Fla with his brothers and mother.
Mrs. Jennie Slater Mr. Slater will resume his work at the Cut Bate Grocery store and Mrs. Slater will resume her work at the Le-Ca Beauty Shop Monday. provides that NRA wages and houif Insurance Men Will Banquet WILL LEAVE SUNDAY i must be observed in all factoiieij at Macon Tonight Mr.
and Mrs. H. Bland and I a have anything to do with the daughter. Lenore, will leave Sunday making of that automobile Thc i Mr and Mis I Hubbaid. i httle't 7 TM-, Bill exercls ps for a sohool 8tn grade next ntv eye and Order and children will be held One hundred nty for that's Pat's favorite dish hillicothe's Ar May Return Sunday fifty cnildien are to receive diplo- i tomatoes or olives I don't want' in Pat have to have their potatoes anything else." Does sound gooJ.j and gravy every meal We take granted that they skip It's absolutely true--all this about'fast men being "positively crazy" about 1 Ano thei devotee to the potpto pie They are, we found ls Crawford and he "Im not hard to please with takes his French fried every time cooking," Dr H.
Dowcll says Postmaster Joseph Stewart leally a vegetarian But I Ieots potatoes, too. but he prefers mas The Rev. Clifton Ervin Atmy will be the speaker at the graduation exercises' BROTHER IN ACCIDENT Foriest Mcservcy. Former Resident. Suffers an Injury steel industry and the rubbe' com-1 Richard OBnen and Mi and Kenneth Allen will go to affected Even the ivory gadgets on Macon this afternoon where Messis for a week's vacation.
They will take a motor trip through the jp any wni cn lmkK the "tries." wiii'be IMTS Ozarks. Mr. Bland is taking his annual vacation from the Montgomery Ward Company store here. rf He is manager of the store. Congressional leadois of tile bill INJURED BY FALL 1 sa that President Roosevelt sal- vaged more of the NRA than most I the dash boaid can come under pio- Hubbaid, O'Bnen Leonard Kinsella.
son ol A Kinsella. three and a half miles north of Wheeling, was severely injured Friday evening when he slid from a load of hay and fell on a pitchfork which had been left sticking in the ground. He was brought to Chillicothe for medical attention; and is now at the home of Mr. and I Mrs. John Fitzpatnck.
West Clay I Street. I TO VISIT HER GRANDPARENTS Eleanor Lee Brown of Kansas City I came Friday for a two weeks' visit i in Chillicothe with her grandpar- ents. Mr. and Mrs. G.
Beard Mr and Mrs. Beard drove to Kansas City for the day. Friday, and Elea- nor Lee accompanied them home i Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.I Broivn.
have gone to Colorado for i a two weeks' vacation. i DEMOCRATS TO HAVE DANCE A free dance for membeis having their card- or icceipts will be held at Campbell's Country Club Wednesday. August 21 immediately after a short business meeting business meeting will be called for! eight o'clock. Plans will be made! for the Labor Day Picnic and com- mittee members are especially urged to be present. A good orchestra har i 'Continued on Page 3) realized and Allen will attend a banquet and district meet- img of the Mesropolitan Insurance Company representatives.
The banquet will be held at the Jefferson Hotel at 6'30. The banquet is being I given by the Macon and Moberly of the company. Mr. Al- Kill News Correspondent slster of Moberly who nas PEIPING, Aug 17-- (UP)--GaiTi- been voting here this week, will guess if I had to select one thi that I liked more than otheis, iti the southern variety--the yam Dr Moss explained that would be cherry not the most anything." but he sel- bakery kind, but the home-made om nas a mea i fjvat he doesn't eit potatoes But from past convert-, moblle accldellt nea Marion last Biggerstaff chooses cheny Mrs Herb Damelson received woid Friday that her bi other, For- estl Meservey of Mai ion, suf- Only Thursday, Crcssen warned Post, two times a globe girdler. of the danger of flying into the but the one-eyed ace only laughed.
Early that evening Post's new silver and red. monoplane crashed on a 15 milps from Pomj. Barrow. He and Rogers, cowboy, humorist and actor, were killed instantly. Oklahoma City friends and neigh- The Chillicothe National Guards, bors of two of the southwest's mosir Lieutenant Beardsley Expects I Arrive With His Company About 4 A.
M. to headquarters company of the third famous sons. Will Rogers and Wiley battalion, 138th infantry, are ex- Post today joined officials and pected to arrive here from Camp strangers in mourning their deaths, fered an injury to his head and i Clark about 4 o'clock Sunday morn- tions with Dr Moss, we know lhat long to tell "Homemade his bread favorite food and pie to top his list as the favorites he is a good judge of the culinary He will take his "a la mode" Buel 3 1 Wigely likes his ice cream, too He was the only man in the group of more than twenty whom we questioned who. said he liked ice cicam best "I've alwavs liked cheny pie When I was a little kid my mother made them for me when she wanted to please me most A home-made other bruises and cuts in an auto- mg. accoidmg to word received from wh knew Rogers and Post before they had become internationally (Continued on Page 4) week Mr Meservey was emoute to Chicago on a business trip, and I the new LaSalle car that he was Lieut H.
Beardsley, command of the company here. The several hundred Missouri who have been tvo Residents of Texas and Oklahoma, It didn't take W. G. Engelhuidt driving was sideswiped by another weeks at car. It caused the LaSalle to countiy swerve olf the road and turn over butter is my favorite.
I think and burst into flames. It was could live on it forever." (completely wrecked. The other car Ed Switzer wouldn't let us limit was also wiecked. Another man, him to one food. He insisted on who was accompanying Mr.
Meser- listmg an entire menu, and his favorite meal is a bacon and egg vey on the trip, was also injmed, but not se'nously. correspondent, was killed by bandits near Pochang and his body found August 13, it was confirmed al the British embassy accompany Mr and Mrs. Allen to Moberly following the meeting and they will spend the remainder of the week-end with Mi. Alien's parents O. Glore.
Then there is the joke about Allen's chicken gizzards At the Kiwams dinner all the fellows A Braun will take that old Thanksgiving favorite, turkpy Mayor C. Carnahan claims beef (Continued on Page 4) "Marry in haste" makers have to wor: day and until 3 o'cloc mg. Nevada, plan to break camp 1 and start for home in their bucks about midnight tonight. The caravan will travel together to Blue! Springs, where they will separate! for their homes I The full company of 28 men, jn-i eluding two officers, were in the' camp at Nevada this year After arrival here they will check in their supplies at the armory be-! foie dismissal. I Results-- Hugh Jolmson'was wrong, or else the Blue Eagle wasn't a dodo after all Maysville incident, had it happened in Berlin, would have been called revolution.
High school band members earn two-weeks vacation. Stella-Rene cleaied out summer stocks during Twilight Sale with a classified ad. Jones, naval recruiting officer, sadly disappointed to find two "recruits" reported locked in his office were wearing 1 dresses. THE A I DEATH OF I AND WILEY POST MISSOURI' Partly cloudv in northwest portion tonight and in west and north portions Somewhat cooler tonight and Sunday. 'Friday's Temperatures Maximum 101 Minimum 69 Rainfall 15 NEWSPAPER!.