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2w BOBBIE KELLER Atfl INCOME TAX SERVICE With 18 Years Experience In Tax Service Ito Ik fuVm WE EKELECTRONIC RJBTAX ILING 1803 East Willow Street Scottsboro AL 259 3272 1 Elock East of Lucky's Supermarket Walk Ins Welcome PageS The Daily Sentinel Tuesday January 80 students inducted into 29 1991 North Jackson Renaissance Program By RICKY CARVER Sentinel Staff North Jackson High School inducted 80 more students into its during a program held in the gym liaoiuiii rnudy Him mug The student body along with several interested parents was present for the Renaissance Prog 1990 91 school year second CRD outlines plans for upcoming year At the January meeting the Com munity Resource Development Committee drew up a list of eight priority issues to address during the coming year Heading the list is rural water systems followed by (2) com pulsory subscription to garbage col lection service (3) Countywide toll free calling (4) PRIDE Project which is cleaning up letter and dumping along roadsides (5) Economic Deye lonment (6) Juvenile Detention acility (7) Rural ire Protection and (8) Sand Mountain Lake Gunters ville Water Quality Project The committee felt that all these projects are important to Jackson County Hoyt Carroll of Bryant will serve as the Chairman of the subcommittee which will be investigating ways to provide a safe and ample water supp ly to the rural areas of the county John Jacobs will serve as Chairman of the subcommittee looking at com pulsory subscription to garbage col lection Jacobs was re elected as Chairman of the CRD Committee and Jim Sentell was elected Chairman The next CRD meeting will be March 18 noon at the County Exten sion Office The tentative program planned for that meeting is a panel of telephone company representatives and a member of the Public Service Commission to address the county wide toll free calling issue The public is invited to attend the CRD Mtg i 1 "Ki 1 Vral 1 I i flO 'A IrBwd A 1 Sentinel Photo By William Bynum TURKEY BOWL DONATION Celebrity Turkey Bowl generated funds for charitable agencies including Hospice of Northeast Alabama The event was sponsored by Do Right Printing Scottsboro Lanes Bowling Alley and the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce Pictured are from left Cindy Webb of Scottsboro Lanes Robin Green of Do Right Printing Gini Stone of Hospice and Vicki Watts repre senting the Chamber Sentinel Photo By William Bynum BhZR WS TURKEY BOWL DONATION Celebrity Turkey Bowl generated funds for charitable agencies including the Jackson County Association of Retarded Citizens (JCARC) The event was sponsored by Do Right Printing Scottsboro Lanes Bowling Alley and the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce Pictured are from left Robin Green of Do Right Printing Cindy Webb of Scottsboro Lanes Audrey Resce nete of the JCARC and Vicki Watts representing the Chamber semester assembly Students who had a straight A average for the last semester received red cards The students who had an A and average received silver cards The 80 new inductees join the original 50 members who were inducted last fall Among the 130 students now in the program there were 29 red card recipients and 101 silver card recipients Red cards can be presented to obtain free admission to home ath letic events free admission to all school sponsored events two col lege visits for seniors (with permis sion of principal) free parking registration (deposit not included) fall only Reimbursem*nt for ACT Test first time only 10 percent dis count in school store discount from participating area merchants lunch out one day each semester and other surprise benefits Red Cards are also good for the following specials at these partci pating businesses: 10 percent discount at Ray Jan Bridgeport Dairy Bar $10 off any service at Cut Up ree meal for student and a date at the Stevenson eed Lot Restaurant 10 percent discount five times from Restaurant in Stevenson 20 percent discount on pro ducts and services at Hair Design by Deby 10 percent discount at Hard in Bridgeport 10 percent discount at McClel Pharmacy in Bridgeport 10 percent discount at Star Video in Bridgeport $2 off video rental (one each month) 10 percent discount at Western in Scottsboro $2 off service at Hair Art in Scottsboro Silver cards can be presented to obtain 50 percent discount to all home athletic events 50 percent discount to all school sponsored events two college visits for seniors (with permission of principal) 50 percent on parking registration (deposit not included) fall only 10 percent discount in school store discounts from participating area merchants lunch out one day each semester and other surprise benefits Silver cards are also good for the following specials at these partici pating businesses: 10 percent discount at Bridge port Dairy Bar $5 off any service at Cut Up ree meal for student at eed Lot Restaurant 10 percent discount five limes at Resturant 10 percent discount on pro ducts and services at Hair Design by Deby 10 percent discount at Hard in Bridgeport 10 percent discount at McLel lans Pharmacy 10 percent discount at Star Video $1 off video rentals al the Vid eo Village 5 percent discount at Western in Scottsboro Local businesses organizations and individuals contributing finan cial aid to the program are: ALA Insurance Citizens United for a Better Bridgeport irst National Bank in Stevenson North Jackson Bank Mead Paperboard Keller Logging Bridgeport Mfg Inc irst National Bank in Bridgeport Jacobs Manufacturing Wal Mart (Kimball Tenn) RD Hicks and Edwin Allison program seems to be a suc said North Jackson High School principal Kenneth Harding only disappointment is that we have more local businesses participating in the he said Harding said the program is good because it not only promotes educa tion but promotes good student behavior which will benefit them when they enter the work force Sentinel Photo By Ricky Carver THE ONE AND ONLY Stacie Ridley accepts her red card and awards from North Jackson High School assistant principal Buddy Holt during North assembly riday morning Alabama 4 Center receives ACA accreditation The Alabama 4 Center lias attained Accredited Camp status from the American Camping Associ ation (ACA) Currently only one quarter of the camps in the United States have earned this distinction five million children attend summer camp each noted John Miller ACA Executive Vice Presi dent to see that a camp is ACA Accredited should be a top priority when parents and children begin looking at summer accreditation program requires review of every facet of a operation Over 300 ques tions related specifically to camp are asked concerning the site and facilities personnel program ming and activities health care and management practices A camp must comply with every applicable man datory standard These standards relate directly to health and safety issues In addition camps must achieve a score of at least 80 percent in the non mandatory standards to earn accreditation Every three years trained camp professionals not affiliated with the 4 Camp observe the camp while it is in operation and compare its prac tices against the standards for the industry becoming accredited the Ala bama 4 Center has demonstrated they are committed to the highest standards established for the camp added Miller standards program is nationally rec ognized and constandy updated to reflect the latest state of the art in can be certain that by choosing this accredited camp many important questions have already been asked and satisfactorily answered in ways that show the management cares about their child or in Derrick's Mini Mall WINTER CLEARANCE SALE IN PROGRESS! ALL ALL WINTER MERCHANDISE HAS BEEN REDUCED OR THIS SALE LIVING COLOR VM Dqxxa ri Coming To Badco*ck Home urnishings riday Saturday ebruary 1st zno Hours 10AM to 5PM Sat Hours 10AM to 4PM PRESENTING i' iB wKsHSi STI into PORTR "IN fl EBgi I HOURS 10:00 AM TO 5:00 PM Miller said The Alabama 4 Center is located in Shelby County near Col umbiana The 4 Camp offers a diverse range of programs for 4 boys and girls ranging in age from nine to 19 The Alabama 4 Center operates 4 camp during the sum mer months and has session lengths of three days and two nights The Jackson County Extension Service took 50 4 to camp last year and will take the first 50 that sign up again this year We plan to attend camp June 24th 26th If you would like more information give the Extension Service a call at 574 2143 The American Camping Associa tion is a 5000 member not for profit organization committed to the conti nuing values and benefits unique to the camp setting Its membership encompasses all segments ot me camp movement including non profit agencies private entrepre neurs religiously affiliated organi zations and publicmunicipal agencies Western WzzpNf Luncheon Steak 99 or Carry Out Or Banquet Monday riday Call 259 6888 Scottsboro 11 a 4 pm OEBATE 0 I mopor LUBE 0IL1LTER CHANGE $2050 $2140 $2150 Car Truck Turbo Car Includes: New Oil (Up to 5 Ox Trucks) New Mopar Oil iner Complete Chassis Lube Check luid lewis Visual Inspea Banery (Vehicles Reautfng SpectaVErtra 04 And Diesel ilers Shtiy Higher) Coupon Oder Expires eb 1 1991 Cannot Be Used Wi Any Otter Coupons itnn um TOUR SERVICE ADVISOR OR RE BATE CERTIICATE 1 ENGINE MAINTENANCE TUNE UP $3567 $4540 $5513 4 CyL 6 Cyl 8 CyL Includes: AAoosrCharpon SpwK Plugs nspucl EmstKin CorponsntsSt Tming Ids Spied (I AppAcsbls) SMudss EqgudpeU Gnusr ThanML Crt AM SM lgr4M SlgMIy Hghsr) DODGE TRUCK PRICES MAY VARY Coucnn OHer Eom eb I 1091 Cmm Bs Uwd W4 An Crsr Ctxfons UP TO Dewey Barber Chrysler Plymouth Dodge Inc 1702 East Willow Street Scottsboro AL 35768 Phone: (205) 259 1455 Opta Mm Tee Wed Tw ri I OC AM to 509 PM CWystar nm 9 Jeep Parts Now Available h)g5yy I il Hnoparj or in Derrick's Mini Mall WINTER CLEARANCE SALE IN PROGRESS! ALL ALL WINTER MERCHANDISE HAS BEEN REDUCED OR THIS SALE.
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