The Eugene Guard from Eugene, Oregon (2024)

WEATHER q'n acation jiyou will want The" Guard. No matfor Kvt 'ar you roam, oall 1200 and our Sfrvlco will nee that your paper finds you dally. Thero Is no extra chargo for 'vacation dollvery. Call us now. Um: fog and mist near ltn.

J.n.tnrm. nortlon. Not in temperature or hu. li Minimum today, W-1 maximum Frioay, 5 of a foot." Dlrectlor thwesf. i 1 EUGENE, OREGON', SATURDAY, JULY 30, 11)27.

PRICE: $dT" kws VaniA'oc1 THREE SECTIONS 32 PAGES NO. 16 pTOfiu HAM to IfUlftlg rynrmn jHf 1 IgN'T IT T0UGH TQ go fishin' like this? cal wears straw hat to lure finny tribe I ni AirP ni IT I I III! Ill II II I 111 I III. I I llll 111 II I III I I I I AW OPPOSED LOTION proposed motor ve- to provide for flat fee (or aotoroooues indie 0. P. Barnard of the Ity u7t.

A copy of the f0001' received this Marked Iement in 115 i the judge from Boy L. engineer xnep ES motor-cTos but Northern California Scene rZ "oeording to weight of re his law Of Conflagrations Set By Lightning Jt KA onssp(i as ner- Prizes for the best kopt Ihwiis In Eugene for the month of Julv were opcrlv. There would bo announced toriny by the committee money for rum, renrosentinir the women's mixiharv Fears Also Felt for South ccording to juuso of the Eugene chamber of commerce which sponsors the annual contest. top SIGN MEANS STOP The committee in its report states ern Part of Oregon as Storm Swings lEKEVEH thero is a stop sign that "There is marked improvement in the landscaping of private lawns. the streci, full and complete stop, Eugene especially in the bnso plantings of shrubs and perennials.

The old fash SAN FRANCISCO, July 80. UP) More than 65 forest fires, started officers ot uio motorists today. Many ioned flower beds are giving place to border plantings. Lawns with many good features by lightning during the past two days wore reported burning uncontrolled toduy in the national preserves of northern California, from Lassen peak to the Oregon line. were incomplete while others possessed all the points on which the ra are getting in tne mum or ars and slowing down, but ming to a complete stop.

tbeeU, says Officer Arthur rolling before the law uplicd with- Otherwise arrests awards were made were faulty; for The local aistrtct omce oi tne United Statos forestry department instance somo places bad weedy lawns, others undeveloped parkings, others lacked base plantings, while Rouahlna It. and wlnnlno the West la a touah life, as President Coolidae proves in the above photograph. When Cal aflreed to poseas fined in police court uirunuy iui a fisherman for the newsoaoer and movie cameras, all concerned did their stuff but the trout. There was nary a bite from them. The I.

filaf. rlr an sknnrfnnH nnlrf nln. flu (mm Muetln. ft. D.

Ral. In his Straw hat and bUSineBS SUlt, la SllOWn Bt the declared that all available men in toe Lasxen, Shasta, Trinity and Klnmnth districts were being rushed to the others had neglected back yards, and knfracuon. Tiiey must nioo uc to see both ways on me right with hla line In the little stream. (Find the stream If you can.) In contrast we find Vice-President Charles Q. (Hell 'n Maria) Dawes hvhen they stop.

fire Hues and that calls lor more help itad been received, at the Phllmonte ranch near Tulsa, Okia. Dawes is shown. at the left, fishing oole In nana, pipe ana evoryining. still others showed poor selection of materials with a general trend toward crowding. For these reasons it has been difficult to select the outstanding lawns," the report states.

Inasmuch as the same storm that: iiniun ESTIMATES SOAR BI.DING estimates for July took tini and soared far beyond those Jessie, Cow With Door in started those fires -Bwung north over the Oregon forests, It was feared that additional firca were burning in the southern part of that state. it name period last year. Today Prizes are Listed The following is the prize prize list is again headed by J-F. Gerot, 2114 University street, -second, L. V.

Olive total esWnntc ror me inouui I as tabulated from OF FEATHERSWILL Stomach, Furnishes Valued Vitamin for Scientists fds in the office of W. Alex- LEGAL KNOTS TO city building Inspector, wno street, third, Nathan Barrett, 05 Nineteenth avenue west, Is the permits. July, 1020, tot- only $85,030. Uuring tne inst rj there hnve been 10 new resi- Four $2.50 prizes: Harry Whitoher, 11 Monroe street; -Ed Vogt, 542 Lawrence street; Japies II. Gilbert, 1107 Fl jtartetl.

The Pacific Telo-nrl Tclegranh building permit, Tho first fires wero reported in me Klamath district where 2500 acres were burned over. Rangers called the local office at midnight asking tor more mon. They were told to get help from the Lassen district. The rangers reported back that Lassen foresters could not spare men be- -causo 20 fires had been started there. There wore 41 separata fires In the Klamath region and rangers around Blinta and Trinity sections reported that thoy hnd several fires-to fight.

Air planes wore sent out over the. districts to map1 out the locations ot Twenty-second avenue east; Arthur of her mother, contained vitamin Dr. Illinechudel of the Penn State dairy department, hud it window cut Rogers, 1234 High street; Virgil kl45.00O, and the Alpha Sigma fun fraternity h6use permit for STATE COLLI? 6 TO, July 30. the famous Pennsylvania slate college cow that has been robbed of her gastronomic privacy through a door to the largest of her Earl, 2111 University street, lawn mower sharpened, valued at do into Jessio's second Samples of partly digested Jood were lOO irere the two largest ones is- RAPID CITY, S. July 30.

UP) IX)S ANGELES, July Semple McPbenson doesn't in- A war bonnet gorgeous In tea taken out, analyzed by Prof. II. C. nut hod qL. the Jmctoriology nated by ueorge Alelson.

jy. Four $1.00 prizes: Frank Harritt, 1630 Twenty-second nveu'uo enst; titers, bends uud strands of colored lambs' wool is the -grown to bo placed several stomuchs as a contribution to science, wus the -of attraction of vitamin and nutrition specialists titiendiug the; final 'session tend legal, knotsjtp, tangle ILATIVES ARE REUNITED department iuhI: found to litcruQy unon President Cooliduo at Deadwoot) TUB of her with her mother Mr-j. a separation of 20 yeatf, By" Bberbart of this city and 13-1. Inline; Soron 000 Madison noxt week when ho bocomos a chief So fur known the v6v i' tti frank yesterday of fho liisMtilte of- chemistry Jensen, street. Minnie Kennedy, over affairs of Anelus temple.

This the foNthe- Biolii Indians, The head piecu only animal that jiasVbllity lo' C. J. Gallagher, nee Elsie Eber' Honorable mention: C. M. Marshall, of the American 'chemical society.

A little incubator in Jessie's atom fnr the ceremony of mnking a. presl on feed lacking In this necessary vita uiin. a niece, were reunited last night brief visit. Mrs. Gallagher who uch has been found to give evidence of dent a chieftain Is reudy, but other details ot tho Doadwootl initiation evangelist -declared Inst night in ad dressing hor followers from the pulpit; The temple lender whose state lea in Philadelphia, and her hus- is entirely possible that cultures S42 Eleventh avenue, Hi J.

Hale, 370 Fifth avenue west; B. A. Scherf, 11 Washington street; F. M. Rowley, 025 Fifth avenue west; 10, nro shrouded in secrecy.

are oa a honeymoon trip cov-alraost the entire rim of the one of the most Important vitamin and nutritional discoveries of the times. She was found to have ability in this incubator to manufacture in whole Many conferences aro being hold of vitamin can be taken for human consumption direct from the slomach of Jessie or other cows as a source ments on behalf of her mother during B. Parks. o22 Thirteenth' avenue the present row have often been fol rd States. They left this morning Boothera Cnlifornin, from where sale lots the highly valuable vitamin ft.

lowed by Mrs. Kennedy's! denials, t-aid ml go back enst through the east; A. J. Willnrd, 544 Fifth aveftue west; II. M.

Lichty, 1035 Jefferson street; George Monroe. 709 Ninth avenue west; Mrs. J. M. Kimberling.

747 Ninth avenue west; A. U. Fans, that her mother also was agreed not tho conflagrations as a means ot ex-: placing ot fire fighters, CRATER AREA CONTROLLED MIODITOBD, July 20. OP) All forest firos in Crater lake national forest are under control today, nc-r cording to officials of the local forest service, and only one fire, 20-acre conflagration at Needle Itock near Rogue river, is of any conso' quenco. 1 In the past week electric storms have started 50 forest fires in tho national forest area, but nearly all ot them are now out.

The local office, however looks forward to a serious situation unless there Ib a henvy rain, and the government fans been asked for an nirplano tor observs tlon purposes. Jessie never has been given any feed that contained vitamiu I). It had been kept from her mother before her, kern states. Mr. Ebcrhnrt is a er of Mrs.

Gallagher's mother. of concentrated vitamins," suid Dr. C. Sherman of Columbia university. "In diseases' caused by lack of vitamin It this culture would be invaluable." Jessie is as lively and contented ns to resort to the courts.

At the' same and she has a calf of her own, the by tho acore of Sioux chiefs who will iuko part. There ia considerable dismay becauso the name to be conferred upon Mr. Coolldge has leaked out and there are good indications Hint the name originally choson nt the camp fire mooting in the moonlight Chief- Ijoadiug Kaglo will bo abandoned and another solected. While the chiefs ponder their predicament, some 800 members of the Sioux trlho aro astir on the various neighboring reservations getting ready BOYS' COTTAGE OPEN third generation to be deprived of this 732 Ninth avenue west; Horace Burnett, 592 Ninth avenue west; C. Wil- vuluable mnterial.

IITB a number of applications before the doorway was cut' In her stomach. Dut Jessie's milk, as well as that lire been received nskine to nd- kersou, 542 Fifth avenue west; W. P. Hand, 3S7 High street; W. T.

Gordon, 900 Hilyard street; George Hall, ys to the recently opened Lane 052 Ninth avenue east; C. W. Henz- cottage at the W. C. T.

U. Jren's fnrm home nt Corvnllis, nc- ler 111 Third avenue west; J. I to judge (J. r. The Martin, 791 Ninth avenue west; 800 In will be used exrlnsivnlv fnr their guy wardrobes and mixing up green and red war paint for their BASEBALL RESULTS Lawrence street; R.

S. Bryson, 510 bodies. At their hom*o on the out Lawrence street. Trees are Lacking land has facilities for-20. Where are needed for Lane boys they cnt to the cottage by the Lane skirts of Kapld City, Chief Chaunccy MOUNT VESUVIUS IN.

7 cnanter of the Ainer rnn Red lellowrobo una his daughter Uoso-bud, descendants of Chief Sitting Dull Judge Barnard states. and Chief Standing Boar are rehears time, evangelist refused to acquiesce to a demand made by a delegation from 42 branch churches for a "showdown" In the scrap between mother and daughter. Attorneys who have stood at the elbows of the pastor and ber mother in the recent roiiudu of the bottle of the temple leaders, wcro of the opinion that at least nno point might have to be decided by the courts. The bono of contention of whether Emma Sebaeffcr, secretary-companion and' staunch supporter of evangelist is legally a trustee of- tins Echo Park Evangelical association, which owns tlfc church and its holdings, valued at several hundred thousand dollars. Mrw.

McPhcrson contends Miss Schneffer is a trustee. Her mother holds thnt she and the evangelist arc the only legal trusted, the third having died. The membership meeting last night clear definitely the qneatiou of Mrs. Mcl'herson'w future relationship with the temple. The evangelist first bad declared -that she intended to give up 'the pastorship, perhaps "There is a general lack of tree planting all the city," the report of the judges states, "especially in the newer additions.

Many old lawns need to be removed; their lack of vitality is shown by the presence of ing the actual coronutlon of President TO ADDRESS MPFTlKin NATIONAL At Pittsburgh Boston. Pittsbuigh. Greenfield, Gencwicb and Meadows and rimilh. GENEVA, July 30 (P Adjourn V. H.

S. WILKINSON of Coun- .3 12 0 .2 8' 'J llogun; VIOLENT ERUPTION NAPLES, Italy, July 80. UP) In the tiiroes of Its most vlolont eruption In 12 years, Mount Vesuvius this morning hurled hundreds of tons of Incandescent fragments far Into the air, while a huge column of lava, after nearly filling tho inner crntcr, began to creep over the edge Into the valley Bluff, Iowa, and former pas- weeds. "We wish to commend the peopb who are making a conscientious ef nugene Jiethodist Episco-ranrch who is viaitimr hern this will give the sermon for rh ment of the tri-partite naval conference possibly for certain, period of time without holding of a final plenary Is now considered a possibility here. There is a growing opinion thnt a public session "with fireworks by both British and American delegates." w-ould do no goo-1 fort to improve their grounds and hnoon sessions nf tlm nil Ijiodist Episcopal camp meeting at of Tell, towards the Boy of Naples.

'At Chicago Philadelphia. Chicago Ulrich' and J. Hnrtnett. .....5 12 1 ....3 2 Wilson; Illako and censure those who arc negligent. "Commendation is due to the various schools, fraternities, sororities, Coolidgc.

These, three have been selected for this important part at the Deeper In' the' hills, Chief Crazy HorBO nnd Cblof Kills-a-Hiindred are pursuing the coronation speech-which will be dclcvercd in the Sioux dialect and translated to the throng expected to witness the induction Crazy Horse Is 78 and knows how to conduct the rituals of bis fathers in the most solemn and dignified way. Ab a young man of 27 ho was with his fnther when the Sioux wiped out General Custer and his men nt Little Big Horn. Although Professor Alessnndro Mallndra, head of tho observatory re- pit muve nunaay. ltcv. Mr.

Wil-fn Is also to give the morning ro at the local Methodist church the nostoffice, the churches, nnd and conceivably might do harm. nowed assurances that there was no other public places for their interest The talk of adjournment is due imminent danger, part of the popula-. shown Hons of tho towns of Torre Annnn- TO ATTFNn utri zlala and Torre Del Greco and residents of the region lying below the HGE delegations of rcc to the apparent irrcconciliuble nature of the Uritiw'j and' American views on how naval armaineuts should be limited. Die Americans firmly advocate liberty of action to "Thewivic pride of the citizens who regularly employ gardeners should be recognized. In every instance the grounds are beautifully kept and of the Knights of Columbus erpected tn BEVERLY HILLS.

July 30. OP) Will Rogers, on'y recently out of a hospital where his gnll stones were removed ami recovering from nn even more recent experience as a cross country fliv.yer race promoter in which a considerable amount of prize money was lifted from bis pock-ctbook, has been notified officially that ho is to lose his job as mayor of Beverley Hill A committee informed the cowboy humorist that a new state law will oust him as mayor Monday. "I' bet its a frnmcup," Will. "Just -what man could expect thnt hnd'to lny defenseless on his buck for a month." "Nope," retorted the snd-nevvs committee: "Beverley Hills becomes rity of the sixth clnss and Sil Spnuld-ing, the president of the of trustees automatically becomes mnyor. "Well." roared the wise-cracking mnyor, " does Hint iiinke me "That makes you," the committee went into a hurried conference.

"Mnyor emeritus," they declared in unison. valley began to make preparations for a quick flight to Naples should the would be a credit to any city. una construct cruisers armed with eight r- atienrt the i. column of lava continue Its downward "The outstanding feature' of Fair- course toward their homes. Tfesdny, Wedncs.

mount hill this year is the lovely inch guiw within the limits of the total cruiser tonnage allowed. The British seek to have definite sizes of AMERICAN NEW XOltK, July 80. UP) Lou Gehrig connected for his 3-ltli home run of the season In the fiftli inning of tho first gume of the Yankees' double-header with the Indians todny, scoring Babo Kiilh in front of him. The Ik-It put Gehrig in a tic with Ituth for hom*o run honors. Gehrig crossed up tho Indians when lie went to bat in tho eighth with a long smash to left field thnt went'into the stnnds on the first hop for his homer of the season, taking the home run leud from Jtuth.

None was on base. according to i. urriey. Som hn i. park developed by Mr.

nnd Mrs. Carl G. Washburne. Many children in colorful bnl hm it suits could be seen cruisers made obligatory. gone but it will be decided to- within three weeks, and Inter snio she intended to remain in control with nn associate pastor in charge while she carried, on her planned world evangelical work.

1 Last night she told her follower? she did not intend to "desert" ber church but wus keeping a promise she had made to the hundreds 'of bible students trained yearly at the temple that Bhe would provide nlucesrfor them when they were graduated as ordnined ministers. "I have promised my students that 1 would go into the field and prepare a way for them," fhe said. There is some doubt as to whether (TURN TO PAGE 3) the British delegates 'would consent to adjournment of lie conference coming from all directions to enjoy a dip in the splendid pool so ud-mirably The following were the judges: Will Q- I i ii without having an opportunity to state their views again in a public bcsHion. Elmo Chase, chairman, Mrs. Lawrence T.

Hurris, Mrs. 11. II. Pierce. ways unay AVoulrJn't a At any rate, the idea of adjourn UNKNOWN RELATIVES ARE MET BY BARBER BEDDING, July UP) Bertram Wheeler, of Bedding yesterday stood united with father whom be thought dead for 35 years, an undo whom he had never seen, and a.

niter whoso existenco lie was unaware, Wheeler's purejits separated before his birth nnd he hnd been brought up by his mother's relatives In the belief that bis fiilher was dead. Two years ago be met his uncle, A. Wheeler, of Dunsuiliir. although he did not know of the relationship. He-cently he waB railed to Diinsmiiir, where he met his father, Abe W.

Wheeler, nf Springfield, und his eisler, Mrs. Minnie Bouiuly, of St. Iouis, ing the conference for six month or year in order to give the powers rmy if War Hits time for further reflection has been At New York, first game Cleveland 3 0 New York 7 11 1 Uhlo, Brown nnd I. ltue-llicr and Jlengollgll. 45 Traffic Accidents Forty-five traffic accidents it which automobiles were involved, fig advanced.

BEVERLY HILLS, July ured in reportn sent to the stat? highway department from Eugene "0ern Is dolnu New Ford Tried Out DKTKOIT, July W) during this hist month. Most of these, were collisions oc- st inter- At New York, aecond game Cleveland 0 2 New York 0 10 1 Siinute and Autrey; lloyt and Motor nnd speed tests of the new curing nt street intersections where automobile shortly to he introduced on the market by the Ford Motor the right-of-way was questioned. i. 9" 11 wouldn't be (r.visi' hashing. Of the 45 Bvcmriits.

10 persons a week and try Fair Weather Forecast SAX KKANflSCd, July The weather outlook for lie week beginning Aug. 1 was announced here today by the weather bureau ns follows: Far western sillies: J'lie outlook is generally fair weather tonight and Sunday, but ilh fog along the const nnd probability of stuttered thunderstorms in I he mountains of Idaho, eastern Oregon nnil eastern Washington. No ked change ill temperature is indicated. The fire hazard in California will be normal. them.

company are being mnde here personally by Henry Ford, it was announced today. were slightly injured, none of them being so badly hurt as to necessitate their being confined in hospitals. nut A 11 1 At Boston, first game' St. J.oiiig Boston Mm loea mat bo--tf" hre of our fiou. The manufacturer has been en ii KliHsell nnd gaged for the past few weeks in driving the enr over mads in the vicinity (inston and llofmnnn.

of Dpflrborn, the announce fjr its not hit fly, but KENNEL L-ELLIS STUDIO HELD SECOND' TO NONE Official photogrnphers or the Industrial edition of The Guard, were the Kennell-KI-lis studio officials, also official news photographers of this newspaper. Pictures in the section which were taken by the Kennell-Kllis oonipnny. and not accredited on the photograph include the Gamma Phi Itela sorority house, the Morning Register building, the V. B. Miner building and the Eugene hospital.

Modern photographic equipment, second to none in Ihe st.a,e, enables the firm to, get out quantity pro-iluctron with quality pictures. A -staff of artists are ployed the' "art ork when Some of the masterpieces "of photography shown at the miners 'men's convention in Portland last nll, came from this studio, Ihe one displayed in competi-ti'fti with thousands "He's A Heal Salesman!" Perhaps you have, 'had those words npoken of yourself and your work and realize that you nro in the ritfht line and have tt genuine futuro ahead. On tho other baud, may be a good Hulesmnn but have Kimnly never made the connection that you felt held tho opportunity you desire. The Situation Wanted cIoHisification in The Guard Want AdH offers the 1 chance to place your ineH-tuige before those iutereitt-ed. Just auk for nn Ad-Taker when you call 1200.

The GUARD 1037 Willamette WANT-AD HEADQUARTERS ment from the exemtive office of thn Library Books Arrive Two books, shipped hero by the librarian for use fn the grade school libraries of the arrived at the office of O. II. Jones, district clerk, this morning. The books arc being labeled and will be distributed among the various grade schools of Kllgene. They cover all subjects from science to history.

organization said. The results nf the 1 'IMO 000 to ir, ln; 00 ,0 hi; and where When wn. Yours, WILL. testH were not dinHosed and officuiln At Boston, second game St. Iuis I) 1 Boston 2 I) 0 Vnngilder r.nd Ki-hang; Wingfield, Wiltse and Hartley.

did not indicate if they were in the nature ol nnai tryoms. 2' which Is Police Busy July Members of the city police- depr(-inept had a busy month during July. Mirre limn 'J(l( calls' were received Fair Displays Talked I'lnns for displays nt the Lane county fair to open Aug. were discussed at a meeting of the Dnnebo Poultry club at meeting held last evening. Arnold IJ.

county club leader, uttnided the meet: ini nnd directed a talk and demon-, stration on detection of rn fowl. Bank Clearings- Rise 'Bunk clearings lOiigene during the month of Jtil totaled -70, according to. the. ref ort tin clearing assoruiiion Ihis morning. This shows an inrease over tl nfearin; for -i aj.irt Wali.r i ceienration Bodies Found in France WASHINGTON, July 30.

tP) D. washino- iintf in-vfMi of one kind and At Philadelphia Chicago. ..3 10 Philadelphia 5 Connolly and Crouse; Grove and Cochrane. "He that VlhH P'he bodies of even memhirs of the tUiU who were killed In action at the and buttle of Monl Foucon have been discovered in an isolated shell hole in oaiethino i. h.7 another ftiadp.

i'J'Aeaitv persons te're arrested, five of them liipior chni'ges and lbe latte. included one toman. Seve.ji fere takn for.thefls turwd over to coiiniy jiuthnriiiiN. One' f'Src'the city.l Wales Arrives Safely QUKBKC, July 30. UP) The Prince of Wales, Prlnco George and Premier Baldwin, visiting Canada to take part ill the diamond jubilee confederation celebrations, were officially welcomed to Canada shortlv after 10:30 o'clock this morning, being given an enthusiastic reception.

France. real nn. rouno out a L. TuestJaf. thA nnlu A search the war department CAROL SPEAKS OUT PAUIS, July 30.

Former Crown Prince Carol of Humanin in formed the Associated Press today that he still maintains his hereditary rights to the Ituumnian throne; winninif Jirst pn. was hsnberi, progiVss on French battle- I.ferl... trr i1iKm. Inuring w-fce0M 4 "1 -r sra It5 rr7r-.

The Eugene Guard from Eugene, Oregon (2024)
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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.