Trenton Evening Times from Trenton, New Jersey (2024)

EVENING TIMES, TUESDAY, APRIL 27. 1920 SERVICE MEN SEND, MONEY TO DRIVE Nearly $9,000 Collected Towards $20,000 Needed by Welfare Association I a i i i i C'huaecUor ilakolm U. Buchanan, i Kdwinl P. K'Jlth Mooro! i i i ('lull. i l)r.

I Dr. Knocll I a i Dr. Kil- I s- Huwke. cl.u.i Xi rid. eru 1'etry, i i I St.ilil l.oui^ s.iUniundra, for circolu Itali.uiu WAR ILLNESS IS FATAL TO MTOH dc Trenton.

i $10 each. More Margaret CvucupUom Inturnu-nt was in St. Frnnelu rvmeterv nn'Ior of I i i i i r. A i i i i i i i i CiH'hni; a i i i io A i i i I i i i i i I I i a i i I i i 4 A i i Si i i i I i A i a DEMANDS BARRETT EXPLAIN DELAYS Veterani Taken Sick in Kisner. George Mafiiiii-e, James Kdgerton, Charles C.

Ctirr, a ton M. W.itson 1'etol Shoe Company. James T.iin 1 Coeur de I i No Thomas Kvi i I i i i i i Im land, Succumbs After Long Illness Me died i i a I h. in a i a i or the nev i i un i i i died i i a a i i a has I mn i run i i a a a a i done for the depend, of i 1 T'7 a diers i and i the a the A Ur i a 1) I uh SU members of Trenton Xo 104. i a rVnV; i rk i i A I 1, 1 I I 11 4 1 1 1 I a Mr and II A Mr and Mr.

1 Joseph Gocl- Miss i and Miss Mayer, Mr and Mrs a I a 11 S.illi i llr a i i i i i a r.eorge 11 i a i i A a i i Engineer Harris to Ask Free' holders' Action on Incomplet- ed Paving Contracts arrested bori- uu .1 N. i I'. II 1 I I i nf I on a i 1 i of HELD FOR GRAND Helpers. i i coiliu'il Xo 1 Ofl. Ji i i I' A- each.

George J4: a sell, A Friend. $3 each: A C.rlend. i i American Legion, today sent to the Welfare Association a Ic.r J2'i towards tho of $20,000 hit the organization is endeavoring- to raise. This check comes nt a i the Post la endeavoring to perfect an organization and Its an; uetuatly not large cnousl, tn JilOOt all of its own needs. Ac-eoni- panying the i i was the Charles Sail.

Joseph lowing note praising the work of the I Charles Graham, Mrs. W. I John a i i I M. i linos Roberts. a i i a l)r 11 Kretz.

Ur C. Sigler, each George Harrison, Alfred Blake. A Mullipron. I I i Poinsett. Clai once "We feel the splendid work done all, Mrs George Penrose.

Mrs by the organization Is the heartiest support from of Several other contributions have also been received by the campaign workers, which raJse the total of the fund to date to $8,845.56. This leaves 811,154.44 yet to be obtained. Among (the contributors today are: Stoll Blank Book stationery Company, a friend. Rt. Rev.

Thomas J. "Walsh. Reba M- Harvey. Joseph G. ffluch, Firfct Baptist Sunday School, Ladies' Aid of Har Sinai congregation, $25 each.

Metropolitan Life Insurance Com- Jpany, $22. James for Packers Xo. $11.40. Albert F. Mary Dunn, Mutual Life Insurance Company.

Catherine Purman. Dr. J. M- McCal. Jie, Pythias Lodge Xo.

61, of Pythias, Allen Sohisler. DaHd Josephson. Donald I. Packer. Vice DEATHS 2IAKKH--In this city, on the 25th Leona Hannah Baker, a I ter, Ered JD the 5th year of her age.

The relatives and i of the a i are tlivited to attend the funeral from Ijer parents' residence, Xo. 182 Girard Avenue, on Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock. Services at St J.udwlg's Church at 8 o'clock. Interment at St. Ludwig's Cemetery.

JIARRISS--In this city, on the 26th Mamie, daughter of Mahalii and the late Joseph Barns. Funeral private from the residence lof her sister, Mre. Kichard Boss. Xo. 27 Xorth Hermitage Avenue, on Wed- jnesday afternoon, at o'clock I at Greenwood Cemetery.

5JASTL4JV--In this city, on the 2 6 Jacob Bastlan, Sr, In the "Sth year of his age. Funeral private from his eon's resilience. 126 Fountain Avenue, on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Greenwood Cemetery. Please omit flowers.

J5OD1NE--Ln Asbury Park, X. on the 23rd Margaret A In the 69th year of her age. The relatives and i of the family are invited to attend the funeral from Presbyterian Church, Cranbury, N. on Wednesday morning at 10:30 o'clock. Services at First X.

J. Interment at Cranbury. J. this city, on the 26th Inst, Gabriel, husband of Mrs. the 4 7 year of age.

The relatives and i of the lamlly, also Woodmen of are invited to attend the a hie lato residence. No. 7'J3 S. Broai on Wednesday a at ,2:30 o'clock. Services at the Hoim Avenue Reform Church at 3 o'clock- Interment at I i JFORJ3--In this city, on the 26th Inst, James, husband of Catherine (nee Brady).

The ifaraily. also N. ft. P. Local Xo.

45, find Keystone i No. B. of nre invited to a the a from his late residence. Xo. 33 i coln Avenue, on Thursday i at 8 o'clock.

Requiem i mass at St. Mary's Cathedral at 9 o'clock. In- i i i i a i i lit t. a a atternon erod Ho was a I o'riork. ices were conducted by the Charles H.

Klder. rnterment was in i Cemetery under'dlrection KiiKl.iiui i Itiittli Aero Corps. a i i a a I a a Concept i School a i in A a of the war Two sis- I "artniann T-. OweiVM and Mrs. A i Webster a four brothers, Neil, i a and Joseph McIIugh The i a i i be held from the i I 'I lie a of i i was In-ill trorn lu-r liome Sl't K.ihl Stat-- i i ii I i I dr 1 i i i i llu 1 i uig I i i i i i i I i to Ill' i of 1'ie i i nl I'rei bold.

tin 1 i i noon i i i i i In 1 i House Tln-se i i i a a a I a laM a i cnrn- i of the work Though i i 1 glneer Harris to re sumo the work. A i 1, liarrett has Un i i 1 I jirn -1 I inc I 1 I i 1 i vi i i i i fc i i.i ff P.I ii.t H.MOMM i 1 1 i Leg Soothed With Cuticura X. A bate torr-- of foul dlirhtrce- Aconr nil a tin mt at olrlit. Then Jint a few of tlr fa- tic. cool'ni liquid.

I) f) I) ImtAtloo and pam rone. tt nz ilirp at i In due time, man Inc WV i and rw HAS NARROW ESCAPE lien ,1 i i i I r.islu-,1 i i on lotion for Skin Disease Ml I I 1- I i a i i a a A LUNCHEON I A d'shcs. cooked, 11 to 2. 1 OolfsHOP A ST. h(lr h0 Mdluc-h Hugn.

Ches-mut A a i to be i Harry Croft. I. Kaplan. James H. Jn'teiinient ill bo in Our Wilson, Mrs James K.

an Home, Lafl ()f Lourd0f reinetery under dl- Jl each. of the Mothers' Clubs of the city have asked the committee in chaige of the drive if they may bo given an opportunity of i i and a circular letter will be sent to each presenting the needs of the organization. These loiters will be acted upon by the clubs at their next Mrs. Mary and Miss Catherine, members of the Board of Directors uf the Welfare Association. Teachers' Committee, have forwarded requests to each school, asking the teachers of the various buildings to make their i i 100 per cent, enrolled in the drive, by having all contributors to this cause I response to the a a made in all a i and i churches, a i i are being received from ple of these faiths The committee is uring that the ministers of the Protestant churches also bring the drive to the attention of their congregations next so ready.

CLASS PLANS SOCIAL A social will be held by the class arid the Ladies' Aid Society of the State Street Methodist Church on Friday evening at o'clock in the church parlors. A very novel entertainment Is being prepared, nnd friends of the church School are invited the jnernbers and hurch and Sunday rection of JOSEPH H. MOORE IS BURIED TODAY Late Jury Commissioner Spent HI Entire Life in Hopewell, Township KLL. A i 2 7 GBANDMYTANEL IS DRAWN TODAY (Continued from Page One.) try any more of these cases i jurors from the January panel, following the disagreement of the that heard the evidence in the trial of one of the indictments found against Freeholder Hoyle. This case i he jjid also uthi-r i i i ment.s against Hoyle and ngainst Hussell A.

F. Updike and Diinie! eden. The i i us as follows: a plumber, 160 Uosem.iiit A a H. Tantum, Ami.

r.s. and Tyler i i loi i. MP.S neral of Joseph Hill Moore, who died a a held from his home. 115 Hroad Street, this afternoon. Klder Charles Vaughn a i chnrgf of the services.

Interment a the Old School Bap- Cemetery under' tticTdireciron of F. Forsythe The hearers, all neighboip. were: Kdwin S. Titus, William Hixson, Louis Labaw, Theodore M. Hall John II.

Fetter and (ieorge Weart. Mr Moore was born on Mav 1, on the oWl Moore homestend at Clen Moore, now by the Wells Brothers. He the son of and Ann i Moore Ho 'was educated the schools and at I i i i a spent r. clerk. 81 Sprlrm i tlork, Street, Peter A 4s Clmt-r Street: William Scol.y, i i i i Horse.

John a i i Street Latimer Crosley. elerk, I S3 West nn.ver Joseph clerk. M'-lrose A 10. Combs, a i St; a i Street. Antonio a i i i barber, -13 Centre Street; i i a Hrettil, billiard parlor propnetoi.

1004 Park Avenue, tho Hev. Hes-ller, 103C South liroad i ChlT.ii-d i prin-ler, 73 Rai Street A H. i i mis. con- r. i a i Xelson i i i i L'OS Wi'st a over a i real a a I 1 West State A i i Kast i i i i I I i i i i I Ethelbert Moore, 10 old, son of Frank B.

Moore, of Moore Business College. who was stricken i a severe a a of i a Monday, is a in greatly improved condition The boy's fever has gone and it i-s that unless some complication arises he is out of a He is hcinir a by J)r a a i i a MARKET STRONG terment at St. Mary's Kindly omit flowers. Cemetery. Kntered I rest, on insL, a of I and the late Ferdinand rsiesguth, aged 26 years The relatives and i i of family are I i to attend tin funeral from the residence of her mother.

No. 511 Beatty Street, on mornlne, at 5 o'clock i high mass at tlie Church of the Immaculate Conception 10 o'clock. Interment at St. Francis Cemetery. Baltimore.

Md on 26th Charles son of late Cornelius, and Margaret Me Hugh. The relatives and of the a i are I i to a the funeral from the residence of his brother, Xell McHugh. No. 549 Chestn Avenue. Time of a here- a Interment at Lady of Lourdes Cemetery.

I'lRKAIlSKI--In this city, on th" 21st Leonarda Bruna. (laugh' ter of Fredrick and Leonarda, i 1 30th year of her age. The relatives and i ds of fjimily I i a from her latcr-rf-idenrn. Xo Olrard Avenue, on i morning, at o'clock. Antrel Mass nt St.

I St. Tlcdwig's f'eniotery. UNDERTAKERS GBOnGE H. POUUSOV, Funeral Director nnd Kmbalmer, IS South Warren Street, Telephone 356. CLIFFORD P.

TAYLOR. Funeral Director and Embalmer. 306 S. Broad St. Phone 814.

X. Clinton Ave. Phone 172-J. SWATZE A I'unrela Director and Rmhalmers. 342 Pouth Broad Street.

A C. Funeral Director. 414 South Broad Street. Telephone 1S7. CLARK B.

ROGER.C~ Funeral Director and Kmbalmer 163 Farnsworth Avenue, Phone 35. Bor.dentown, N. J. COL.EMAN-APPLEGKT CO, Funeral Directors and Emhalmerg. 152 Mercer-- Street Phone JOHN A.

HARTMANX. Funeral Director nnd a 539-541 Centre Street. Phone 5460. W. K.

McCO'Y. Funeral Director nnd a Office and rcsldenvb 40 Crosswlcks 220. wicks St, Bordentown, N. J. CEMETBRT lota 10X20, $40 to $100.

CARE. Office, 475 Greenwood Phone Mortuary Chapel 1VINS TAYLOR Raymond Tuylor, FUNERAL DIRECTOR BART STATE Service a was sTrorig Tills ing. a i sold "i reacted. a i i a over" two i oil movn.1 a across 3 Tho a tone nf i a a a a arty i i last The i prices are furnished bv KistU- i niemh. rs of the N'vw V'jrk a i i Pope, miinagfr.

first a i a Hank Opp list, Lst Allis Chalmers Am Beet Sug Am Can Am Tel Tt-1 A'rfPCa'r l''d' BT Am Loco Am Smelters Anaconda 5V-, Ateliihon W-a a Loco 117 Balto (Hno 4.1'» his early i on tho a i and in the Thompson, jrr i a i i i business Latf-r lio entered I'-iiner k. lal.c.i..|. i i Art coal. feed, and i i I i S. i i i i i rk.

an West a business, in i lie i i A i i Zuce.irello, barber, the i of death He was a 1 I a i James a i in a estate. i de.Tli-r. a i a a 133 a For several yea, Mr. Moore held i a i i position of Commissioner i Pr 3 Sf J1 1 A Abrn- of Merc-er i He was a tnem- am i aucoun ber of the a i fraternity, a I 1 Street. Shrmer, a member nf the Sons of the i 150 i a 'director of the Hopes mi i- side i i Factory, nnd a trustee! 1434 A of tlie i Hook and Ladder a 14rt pany.

wife, who was formerly Miss A a I Hl.ukvvell, HARRY SWEM BURIED I A i 2 7 i i Swem a lu 1.1 a i i i i road Thil lion i i a of i i i I a In- a I a nf i a i i i a i i a I i .1 i rim-n a i i i i i i a a ilhAm i a McDade. contractor, i i LMZ- Broad 7---Adjim M.itiste. potter, 2J Street, ChTtrles-U. a collector, 737 Centre Street. John Dawson, i Centre Street, Kvan Stetser; barber 22 South a ren George Heullus, potter, 2G Kersey A John Rogers, i a i William Coutier, driver, I a i Street, Peter Si hlichor, Sr retired, 3U I i A Louis labor) 1 i I'Ved ners.

34 I i Street. i i a oGG I a i .1 A i JCrueger. 64 IIS'', llfi' 4 117 Belli St Mi's Can Pacific Cent Leather 78'n Chop Ohio St Paul tt' Crucible Steel 2IW Corn Prod Motors Inspiration 239 liil' IT Kenneeott Laek Steol Lehigh Valley 44 Mldvale Ceatral Xorth 76'i C-as 40 Pan Am Pet 96 a a Arrow St Car Heading Rep I 1ft! 91''. 4ol 6r, r.i\ 44 4 76' i'4(l 101't- 'H 3J1 44' 4 76' i I and A a a i Floral i i i i i son an.l i i a i Sir i I a i Castle. Xo 2S.

I'mon. Miss i i i I I I P.ersch a i In- I i Hroad Street. Thomas Hodme, jeweler. 4 0 Clinton Avenue: James Kearns, c-lprk, 127 Sotith Street; i a S. Dancer, a i a a i a I i i i 'Ke-ller.

i a i grade i of the School Mr nnd Mrs. Joseph Carries. and I.EONA a a a a II. ISAKER. of J.rona a a tising sollr-itor.

53 Hudson KrnesL ilerty Srteet; Thomas C. a messenger. Sl.ackwood; Theodore Cierson, retirod. Princeton: Charles Snyder. superintendent.

1103 Division Street; Fred newspaper dealer, K39 South Clinton Avenue; W. Scott Ayres, carpenter, Wliite Horse: John Murphy, hotelkeeper, Hobbinsville; George W. Hlack- mon. florist, 842 Centre Street; James farmer, Hopewell Township: 0 I a I'rken, manager, 1207 Sotith i Avenue; John S. Carroll.

i at o'clock i the of her parents. 1KJ A be held at St i in ices i I i i be P.v Dutch Sh South 97'A Studebaker 112 Sinclair Oil 3.V-J, Tran Oil 17 Tobacco Prod. 66H I'nion Pacific. Ret St Rubber Steel SS'i 111', liq 111 '11 37' ir.N,-r-« jACon Jacob Bastlaii. 7S vears i a i a a long i the i i i ot Mi I3as- an resided in Xorth for a 40 a II is i a Mrs- a i and Mrs s-i i a sons.

Jacob a i a H.isjiun a Tie held the horn" of i son. 126 a i A i 99 us 102' 9T 7 OS 4 1 1 Under the hearting of "Xet Change" i denotes denotes loss from preceding close IN MEMORIAMj 4 A I 1 In sad but re- departed i i A i J7, 13! 'i. at 2 clock I wi he in Greenwood i i of i i A I I CSABY. of two a i Csaby. 46 years died last i a a has neen i oroi a tcim-hei on Street for a of a i i Mrs.

a two a ters, the Mar-v and olga I a a sons a a A Csab i The a a of our dear a i a at i a Caggaley. ho o'clock bis a 7J.1 Broad Street. i at 3 o'clock at I i a Church. I i i i i Ixnely we are i you. How we miss you no one thoutfht.s a a a i you, From early to evening clos We sit and i of you When we are all alone, For memory is the i That grief can a Its nursed by her a a Charles an-1 i Irace tion of Toinko Mr Csaby was a World.

of the Wqodmen of the A FORD. James Ford died yesterday af- t'-r an illness nS several months, due to a complication of diseases Mr. Ford i niploM-d by Thomas a ock's 'Sons c'otnpnnx, sanitary A i I sad but i I presscr. for nlm- vear.s In a i to i-arpenter, 7 Market Street; John H. salesman, South Hroad Street and Lafayette Hroad Street Park: Samuel W.

i i potter. Prospect Heights; John Feigelbor, i 900 South Hroad Street; John Hendricks-on, salesman, 441 West Hanover Street: Herbert S. Kmerson. i 117 Montgomery Street; A i manager. 550 Sotith i ton A Fred J.

Witteiiborn. reul a C29 AVest State Street; Albert Spruce, machinist, 43 (Jarfleld Avenue; Franklin M. Seeds, salesman. 1.43 Second Street; Fred J. Hanaeuor, cfgar dealer, 590 Centre Street: Josoph Hopewell; fieorKo P.

Sailer," 914 South Clinton Avenue. Tho members of the grand and petit juries will be sworn In May 11, at 10 o'clock. UT1SJCTION HALTS SAIfTOTJAY brnnce of our dear irothcr. i his wife, he is i by a dnuch- agent. hi-cca a wlio i i i i i a a Th( Dorr A i 131 J.

Ford. The funeral wsj-MeTM will held a al small and Mother, dear, how we mis.x you, In the year passed by. Since you us so sad and lonely. For home i the sky. We aaw you suffer and heard you sigh.

With throbbing hearts and eyes. But now you calmly sleep at last. All pain, past. all grief and i his home, 33 Lincoln A Thursday morning at o'clock high mass will be celebrated -it St Mary's Cathedral at 9 o'clock. I will be in St.

Mary's Cemetery under dlreo tlon of Murphy. C.JBHMA.XX. The funeral of Frederick Glermann. who died Friday after a lengthy Illness, was held his home, 123 Hewitt Street, thin aflornobn. I was in Rlvrrvlew Cemetery under direction you ask Do we miss her.

.1. n. Lawrence, of Princeton. Mr. Yes.

It fills our a i a i Giormnnn was a member of the Mem A her hand we a clasp, Lodge, Xo. 217. I O. anil Star Her face we a see. of Bethlehem.

Xo. 6 For Vet let U)ls i about 40 years he was pmploecl in the "Mother, We remember thee Sadly missed by her sons and daughters and daughters-in-law. SLOVER-- I sad nnd i memory of our beloved son and brother. Fred Slover, who departed this life April 27, 1915. Wo listen in vain for the hurrying i wire works of John A.

Roebllng's Sons' Company. wife. Mrs. Caroline ami two daughters, Mrs. Fred'a Lcedom.

and Mrs. L. Pricbard, nnd two sons, William and Frederick Glermann, survive. I.ROXAUDA ANNA PIKKARSKI. The funeral of Leonarda Anna Ple- kamkl, years old, daughter of Frederick and Mrs.

PIc- karskl. held from tho home of her parents, 172 Girard A thin hand. morning. Angel mass was celebrated And i i of a In St Hedwlg's I step, And the miss sound of hln voice we We long for the clasp for his soft, bliss long for his rfppllng laugh and Jest. For i song a was i and gay; lonit anil wo and not believe That our boy truly went away.

--Dearly loved and sadly missed by was In St. Hedwlfc's un'der direction of MRS. BARBARA SCIII.ICKM.VG. Tho funeral of Mrs. SchllckllnK.

widow of Peter Schllck- home, 35 Conard wore conducted from her Joel. services 1 the Rov. Father Alphonse. assisted, tiy the Rev. Father -Filing of a petiticn in bankruptcy in the I'nited States -Court today by creditors the Dorr Coffee Company, South Stockton Street, this city, and thp obtaining of an injunction against Sheriff Rces from executing a mcnt, stopped the selling of the assets of the concern this morning Judge Rellxtab named Frederick Cooper receiver for the concern.

Cooper is counsel for the I Coms only one local creditor who joined the six petitioners to have the eoncrn declared bankrupt. The Trenton petitioner, tho. International Pottery has a claim amounting to J36.25. CLARK DENM SEEKS PRESIDENCY WASHINGTON. April Clark, former Speaker of the denied a ho a a ized an anriounrement that he IM a candidate for the Democratic Presidential nomination made In New Y-ork by Mrs.

Julia. Sanders, an officer of the Swastika Club, woman'" political organization. REPUBLICAN CAMPAIGN WILL BE RUN BY HAYS' CIIICAC-O. April I i a a i a i a i a has been Indorsed by Major Wood pnlsn manAfrer If the General In I nominated by the convention here 8. r.

s. WMKW DENTISTS. only- land Jn which i is. all efforts to get in i a have a i Hids for the i i of the idler Memorial Hrulge in Park nnd for the a i of Grand Avenue. Trenton Junction, will be opened by the Freeholders this afternoon Ksti- matps place the cost of the Improvements at $45,000 each.

The bridge will be of steel arch type and i be finished in harmony the other decorations of the park. Grand A i be pavecf with cement and concrete, tho pavement from the railway tunnel to the I'pper Ferry Hoad the trolley company has rails cm the i they i asMiimc part of the expense of the i i On resolution of Freeholder Me- I Cullough the will I $25 to each post of the American Legion in i the expense of a i soldiers' graves In i i 1 iw passed board i a power of i i the salaries of the deputies a I surrogate's, the sheriffs the clerk's offices This power was merly vested in the judge of the court as these eniploje.s are i officers. i STORE MAJAIR IS HELD FOR THEFT Confesses Stealing 800 Pounds of Sugar When Caught Selling It Accused of grand larceny by Patrolmen Green and Donahoe of the vice squad. Joseph Desert. 30 year.s old.

2.1 a Street, was held under $300 bail a a i the action of the Grand I i Police Justice Ueraghty in the I 1 irst Precinct Police Court this morning. He was charged i stealing 800 pounds of sugar, valued at $168 from a branch nf the A i a Stores Company at 33S St. Joes Avenue, of which he is manager Tho a a i to Captain Culli- I ton a he took the sugar. Green and Donahoe. under orders of C'aptm i were a i at Broad and Streets last i when saw a a i a stop in of ,1 Perrv Street a a i obserM-ft 1 insert enrht i sai ks of sugar i the Id ice, Thexi questioned i and he tliem a he had sold the igar to Thomas Chonas, proprietor i.f tlie a a He was placed der arrest.

Alfonso Patricelli. i of a onfi'i i store at Princeton and Morgan A accused a a Street, i being diprirderlv 1 i' that--McCaiityTM- i a store, a i of an a i McCauly dei led the a a i He was dis- i-'iarged. 1 i i tlie hearing. Mi I a rn i Patricelli of selling i in Ins store. C.tptm i i i a over Federal i i i i MSDN TO RETURN TREATY TO SENATE I i A.PI-1I 2 7 Pres- i i i i i i tre.m Ip the Semite i imnmv i JH- i a i i s( resr a i i n.

In i he a i i tnes-v-ige i 1 a these reserva- i .,11,1 pctint out a i .11. i in his opinion, all a i a protection of I i States and a a und a i i a peace i i be a up for r'neweTPconsideratior. r-y the Sena'f Foreign a i i tomorrow. Senator has been a a i a series of a an- make Ho i conform to th" i-ws of Hep i a -5en-itor Lodge opened (ire i the from a new i c.t i i a I i hargf-d a the allies are planning to pool the war debts under a a gii i a by all the debtor nations, which in effec-t would make the I i States the chief guarantor i Great as an associate. This long-wanted improvement is now a part of the new Columbia Grafonola.

i i i I i i Automatic. Operates on any record, long or short. Nothing to move or set or measure. Just put on your record and the Gralonola plays and stops itself. Exclusively on the Grate No'other has it.

All other stops o--other phonograph can get it. Basic patents protect the Columbia Non Set Automatic Stop. It is the touch of convenience added to the Columbia Grato- nola's recognised leadership in beauty of design, richness of tone, and reliability of mechanism. Ask the nearest Columbia dealer for a demonstration nf the stop that needs no setting. TRANSFER ACCUSED.

MEN Thomas i Columbia Grafonolas Standard Models up to $300; Period Designs up to $2100 I A A A Srognameglio. p- i rharlt-s a i and ioldiers at Ca'mp Dlx. wlio wer- 1 GdorlnerAl berli Ca Phone 5899. W. Hanover Willow Sts.

Delicatessen MEATS Seasoned exactly right--the choicest, things to be-had. Ham, Blood Pudding. Tongue Roulade. Chicken Ham, Salami, Liver umvm.u nmt.ii f.r Mother. Brother and Raymond and the Rdv.

Father Hob- women won- marked in ert, at the Church of. the imamculate tho dental profession. JOIN JOIN RECORD (U IB Take $10 Worth of Record? 1'AY $1.00 WKhKLY Open Evening? Until 8 O'clock. NATIONAL MUSIC STORES 165 SOUTH BROAD ST. 668 SOUTH BROAD ST, SOUTH CLINTON AND DIVISION STS.


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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.